2010-12-9 00:31
China's hottest homegrown designers are about to gain more attention and possibly more money from shoppers on the Web.
Yoox SpA, the Milan-based luxury online retailer, announced Wednesday plans to launch in China. While its first step in the land of 430 million Internet users will be powering e-commerce sites for well-known luxury labels, such as Emporio Armani, Yoox will also roll out an additional site featuring an assortment of brands, including some from China's own emerging fashion designers. Thecorner.com, which already exists in the U.S., Japanese and European markets, will launch in China during the second half of 2011. It will function much the same way that Zappos.com does, selling products from last season or even last year. But it also will give local talent a shot at making it big with China's fashion-frenzied consumers. There's big money to be made in the market. E-commerce sales in China jumped to 134.2 billion yuan ($20.1 billion) in the third quarter of 2010, doubling from the year-earlier period, according to research firm Analysys International. The luxury market too is booming. China is the world's second-largest market for luxury brands when including purchases by Chinese consumers traveling overseas. Chinese sales surged 20% to 9.2 billion ($12.16 billion) last year, according to consulting firm Bain & Co. Federico Marchetti, Yoox Group's chief executive, says the company will be on the lookout for hip designers, as well as models and stylists. Will he tap Luo Zheng, a designer who debuted at New York's Fashion Week in 2008? Stylist Li Dongtian, who owns salon chain Tony Studios? While Mr. Marchetti says he doesn't yet know who his site will feature, there's a good chance he might bring in some of the faces seen in this year's fall fashion events. Associated Press宝马汽车
中国那些最热门的本土设计师即将从网上购物者那里收获更多的关注,兴许还能从他们那里挣到更多的钱。 上周三,总部设在米兰的网上奢侈品零售商Yoox公司宣布了登陆中国的计划。在拥有4.3亿网络用户的中国,Yoox公司打算采取的第一个步骤是为安普里奥•阿玛尼(Emporio Armani)之类的著名奢侈品牌开设电子商务网站。除此之外,该公司还打算为另一些品牌推出另一个网站,推广对象包括一些属于中国本土新晋时装设计师的品牌。 2011年下半年,业已进入美国、日本及欧洲市场的Thecorner.com将会在中国登台亮相。该网站的经营模式跟Zappos.com差不多,主要出售上一季乃至上一年的货品。 此同时,该网站还会为中国本土的各位设计精英提供一个平台,让他们有 会在追逐时尚的中国消费者当中扬名立万。 中国市场可谓遍地黄金。根 市场调查公司易观国际(Analysys International)发布的数 ,2010年第三季度,中国的电子商务销售额猛增至1342亿元(201亿美元),比去年同期翻了一番。 中国的奢侈品市场也在蓬勃发展。算上中国旅行者海外购物的花费,中国已经是世界上第二大的奢侈品牌消费市场。贝恩咨询公司(Bain & Co)的数 显示,在去年,中国的奢侈品牌销售额剧增20%,达到了92亿欧元(121.6亿美元)。 Yoox集团首席执行长马切蒂(Federico Marchetti)说,公司将会着意挑选那些风头最劲的设计师、时装模特和造型师。中国时装设计师罗峥于2008年在纽约时装周上初次亮相,造型师李东田则拥有东田造型连锁店(Tony Studios),他们两位能不能得到马切蒂的青睐呢? 马切蒂说,他暂时还不知道自己的网站会推荐一些什么样的人。不过,很有可能,他会把今秋各个时装秀上的一些面孔搬上自己的网站。 |