
双语秀   2016-05-17 19:26   56   0  

2010-12-7 00:30

小艾摘要: Google Inc. often strays from its core mission of organizing the world's information online. But investing in green, or renewable, energy is the company's most prominent real-world endeavor. In additi ...
Google Inc. often strays from its core mission of organizing the world's information online.

But investing in green, or renewable, energy is the company's most prominent real-world endeavor.

In addition to reducing its own 'carbon footprint' through solar panels atop its Mountain View, Calif., headquarters, and increasing the energy efficiency of its data centers, Google's initiatives include developing technology that could cut the cost of building solar thermal power plants. It just signed a landmark 20-year contract to buy energy from a wind farm in Iowa, where Google has a data center. And the company got attention this fall by announcing a multimillion-dollar investment in a planned offshore wind-energy project called the Atlantic Wind Connection.

The Wall Street Journal sat down with Bill Weihl, Google's green energy czar, and Rick Needham, green operations business chief, to talk about Google's investments in the wind market and solar technology. Here are edited excerpts of the conversation.

Why do you make investments in wind projects that won't directly result in cheaper energy prices for Google?

MR. WEIHL: Our goal is to solve long-term problems in the world or set the company up for long-term growth. We took a risk around our data centers to improve energy efficiency, and that panned out really well. We experiment in investments, like with the Atlantic Wind Connection. There's all sorts of reasons why that project might stall at some point. But it could be very catalytic, enabling enormous innovation. Some projects may fail, but venture capitalists do that all the time.

WSJ: Do you think about your return on investment?

MR. NEEDHAM: Yes. We don't share ROI publicly, but the returns are good enough that we're willing to invest.

WSJ: Why did you sign a power purchase agreement with a wind farm in Iowa?

MR. WEIHL: The wind PPA [power purchase agreement] is not an investment. We made a 20-year commitment to buy [electricity] from that wind farm. That's very different from how people buy energy credits. This is the only way realistically for a developer to have the certainty of a contract with a credit-worthy counterparty. They can get debt financing and free up money for another project.

For us, it's a hedge against rising energy prices over the long term. We're not disclosing details of the contract, but it starts out with a slow escalation [in price]. It's a much slower escalation than we would expect to see in the energy markets in general. For our data centers, we already have power contracts in place. So if we sign that power purchase agreement today, we're buying that power but we can't use it. We can sell the energy on the wholesale market.

WSJ: Tell me about your solar thermal technology project.

MR. WEIHL: We're not yet ready to disclose details. The fundamentals are we're developing solar thermal power generation to concentrate the sun's rays and generate hundreds of megawatts through mirrors called heliostats.

WSJ: Can clean energy technology become a core business?

MR. WEIHL: We're not an energy company and don't have such ambitions, but we want to help drive technology. I think that in a couple of years, we'll have [solar thermal] technology ready to be commercialized. Most likely we'd license it to get it to market.

WSJ: What roadblocks do other companies face in making their facilities energy-efficient?

MR. WEIHL: In many organizations you find that the person who [runs] facilities and has that budget is different from the person who pays operating costs. At Google on the data-center side, [one person] owns facilities and the operational costs to run those facilities. They focus on the total cost of ownership.

WSJ: Which companies do you admire for their 'green' work?

MR. WEIHL: Wal-Mart does a lot with cutting waste in their supply chain and packaging. They had an initiative to get their suppliers to report to the Carbon Disclosure Project, a reporting mechanism to measure their carbon footprint. They have 100,000 suppliers.

MR. NEEDHAM: Procter & Gamble. They have good goals. Like their development of Tide [laundry detergent] that works with cold water. And they're driving their supply chains to think about carbon and sustainability.
搜索巨头谷歌(Google)常常偏 公司的核心业务:梳理 络这个虚拟世界的各类信息。


为了减少自身的“碳足迹”(carbon footprint),谷歌除了在位于加州山景镇(Mountain View)的总部大楼顶上安装太阳能电池板、提高数 中心的能源使用效率以外,还开发了一 可以降低太阳能热电 的建设成本的技术。该公司刚刚签署了一份具有里程碑意义的合同:在未来20年里,向爱荷华州(Iowa)的一家风电场购入风电,因为谷歌在那里建有一个数 中心。而在今年秋天谷歌推出的一项举措则备受关注,该公司宣布将投资数百万美元建设一个海上风力发电项目——“大西洋风电连接”(Atlantic Wind Connection,以下简称AWC)。

《华尔街日报》记者埃弗拉蒂(Amir Efrati)最近采访了谷歌公司的两位高管:一位是素有“绿色能源沙皇”之称的比尔•威尔(Bill Weihl),另一位则是绿色经营项目总监里克•尼达姆(Rick Needham)。双方就谷歌近期在风电市场和太阳能技术等领域的一系列投资展开了探讨。以下是经过编辑的访谈节录:


《华尔街日报》:谷歌为什么会在这些风电项目上进行投资?这似乎并不能直接降低公司所使用的能源的 格。

威尔:我们的目标是要解决全球发展的长期问题,并为公司的长期发展做好准备。当初为了提高数 中心的能源利用效率,我们承担了很大的风险,但现在看来这些付出都是卓有成效的。像AWC这样的项目可以算是一 尝试。在某一时刻,有各 原因可能导致某个项目出现暂时的停滞。但这个项目也有可能是一支催化剂,能够催生无数的创新和想法。某些项目最终可能会失败,但这不也正是风险投资家一直在做的事情吗?




威尔:风电购买协议并不算是一项投资。我们承诺在未来20年里从那家风电场购电。这和人们购买可享受能源税收抵免(energy credit)的产品是有很大区别的。对于风电企业来说,这也是和一家信誉良好的合作方签署合约的唯一现实途径。如此一来,他们便可以进行债务融资,有剩余的资金为别的项目投资了。

从长期来看,对我们来说,这份合约是对冲不断上涨的能源 格的有效工具。我们不便透漏合约的细节,但可以肯定的是,购电 格是缓慢上升的,但 格的上涨速度要比整个能源市场的平均 格水平慢得多。我们的数 中心已经有了相应的购电协议,所以如果我们现在签下这份风电购买协议,表面上看我们花钱购电,但事实上我们自己却不使用,因为我们可以在能源批发市场上转售这些风电。



威尔:我们还不能公开项目的细节。能说的就是我们正在开发太阳能热发电技术,可以汇聚太阳光,然后通过一 日光反射镜产生数百兆瓦的电量。

《华尔街日报》:清 能源技术会成为贵公司的核心业务吗?

威尔:我们并非一家能源公司,所以也没有这样的野心。但我们希望能够推动清 能源技术的发展。我想在未来几年,我们的太阳能热电技术就能进行商业推广,到时我们很可能以授权经营的方式将其推广到市场。


威尔:在许多企业,你会发现,制定预算、负责 房日常管理和最终负担运营成本的往往是两个人。而在谷歌的数 中心,这两 职能是合二为一的,由一个人来承担。这个人关注的是总体拥有成本(total cost of ownership)。


威尔:沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)。这家超市为减少包装和供应链各个环节的浪费付出了很多努力。他们还发出倡议,建议自己的供应商加入“碳信息披露项目”(Carbon Disclosure Project)。这是一个主动报告 制,可以记录供应商的碳足迹。沃尔玛目前拥有10万家供应商。

尼达姆:宝 (Procter & Gamble)。他们有很好的发展目标,比如他们研发的“汰渍”(Tide)洗衣粉就可以在冷水中发挥同样的洗涤功效。他们也非常注重供应链管理,积极做到减少碳排放,实现可持续发展。