2010-11-11 02:29
Moving to staunch the defection of staff to competitors, Google Inc. is giving a 10% raise to all of its 23,000 employees, according to people familiar with the matter.
The raise, which will be given to executives and staff across the globe, is effective in January. The pay hike comes as Google ramps up its battle with competitors, especially neighboring Facebook Inc., in a fight to secure talented staff. Roughly 10% of Facebook's employees are Google veterans and other Silicon Valley companies have aggressively poached employees from the Internet giant. Chief Executive Eric Schmidt disclosed the raise in an email to employees, saying the company wants to lift morale. 'We want to make sure that you feel rewarded for your hard work,' Mr. Schmidt wrote. 'We want to continue to attract the best people to Google.' Mr. Schmidt wrote that company surveys indicate salary is more important to Google employees than any other component of pay, such as bonuses or equity. He added the company was moving a portion of employees bonuses into their base salaries, so they would receive some of it in every paycheck. In addition to the war for talent, the two companies have engaged in a war of words in recent days over data-sharing practices. A Google spokesman declined to provide details. 'While we don't typically comment on internal matters, we do believe that competitive compensation plans are important to the future of the company,' he said. The raise was previously reported by the Silicon Alley Insider blog. The company also began testing a mathematical formula to try to predict which employees are most likely to leave, based on factors like employee reviews. The across-the-board raise comes after Google last month posted strong third-quarter results. But it will also raise concerns on Wall Street about Google's expenses. BGC Partners analyst Colin Gillis said the sweeping raise will clearly impact profit margins, so the decision highlights how important staff retention has become to the company. 'Even with recent stock gains, Google clearly doesn't have the same equity appeal that Facebook is offering,' he said. Over the past year several former Google executives who helped run the company's advertising business, as well as Google product managers and engineers involved in Chrome and Android software projects, joined Facebook. The raise isn't the first time Google has taken steps to retain employees. In 2009, it repriced millions of employee stock options whose value had been wiped out as Google's share price fell between 2007 and 2009. The stock has since recovered and closed Tuesday at $624.82. 据情人士说,为阻止员工向竞争对手流失,谷歌公司(Google Inc.)将给全部2.3万名员工加薪10%。
这次加薪适用于全球范围的高管和普通员工,将于明年1月份生效。 此时谷歌与竞争对手之间的人才争夺正越来越激烈,特别是与它附近的Facebook Inc.之间。Facebook约10%的员工是谷歌出来的,硅谷其他公司也曾下大力气从谷歌挖人。 谷歌首席执行长施密特(Eric Schmidt)在发给员工的电子邮件中透露了加薪计划,说公司希望提振员工的士气。施密特在邮件里说,我们希望确保你们觉得辛苦工作是有回报的,我们希望继续把最优秀的人才吸引到谷歌来。 施密特写道,公司进行的调查发现,在谷歌员工看来,工资比奖金或股票之类的其他任何报酬都更加重要。他还说,公司将把员工一部分奖金划入基本工资,这样他们在每次拿工资时就会拿到一部分奖金。 除了争夺人才,两家公司最近几天还因为数据分享方面的做法吵了起来。谷歌一位发言人拒绝透露具体情况。他说,虽然我们一般不评论内部事务,但我们确实相信,竞争性的薪酬计划对于公司的未来是重要的。博客“硅谷内幕”(Silicon Alley Insider)此前对谷歌加薪计划做了报道。 谷歌还开始测试一个数学公式,根据员工业绩评估等因素预测哪些员工最有可能离职。上述全员加薪计划时值上个月谷歌报出强劲的三季度业绩之后,但加薪也会引起华尔街对谷歌成本问题的担忧。 经纪公司BGC Partners分析师吉利斯(Colin Gillis)说,这次全面加薪肯定会影响谷歌的利润率,所以说它显示出员工的挽留对于谷歌来说已经变得多么重要。他说,就算考虑到最近股价的上涨,谷歌股票的吸引力显然也赶不上Facebook。 过去一年,谷歌多位曾经参与公司广告业务管理的前高管,以及参与Chrome和Android软件项目的产品经理和工程师,都加入了Facebook。 这次加薪不是谷歌第一次为挽留员工而采取措施。2009年,由于谷歌股价从2007年到2009年下跌,员工的数百万份股票期权缩水,谷歌对这些期权进行了重新定价。谷歌股价后来实现反弹,周二收于624.82美元。 |