
双语秀   2016-05-17 19:23   75   0  

2010-11-16 00:43

小艾摘要: In a sign of the changing fortunes of the world's top two economies, China's biggest auto maker, SAIC Motor Corp., is negotiating to acquire a stake of about 1% in General Motors Co. worth about $50 ...
In a sign of the changing fortunes of the world's top two economies, China's biggest auto maker, SAIC Motor Corp., is negotiating to acquire a stake of about 1% in General Motors Co. worth about $500 million, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The U.S. auto maker also is prepared to sell more than $1 billion worth of shares to sovereign wealth funds in the Middle East and Asia. Combined, the sales would give foreign investors roughly 16% of the shares to be sold next week under an initial public offering of stock, and give them a stake of some 4% in the Detroit auto maker. GM declined to comment on the talks.

(This story and related background material will be available on The Wall Street Journal website, WSJ.com.)

The issue of overseas investors buying GM shares in the company's IPO has been a sensitive one for the U.S. government, which plans to reduce its 61% stake in the auto maker to around 35% through the IPO.

The investment in GM by government-owned SAIC would be the latest in string of deals giving Chinese companies stakes in big-name Western companies. In 2007, China's sovereign wealth fund, China Investment Corp., took a 9.9% stake in securities firm Morgan Stanley. Pacific Century Motors recently took over GM's former steering unit, now called Nexteer, and Shougang Corp. bought Delphi Corp.'s brake unit.

The U.S. Treasury has to walk a fine line. Attracting foreign investors will help pull off a listing of GM's size. But the Treasury has also had to weigh the possible political outcry if investors abroad are allowed to acquire a significant stake in GM, after U.S. taxpayers spent $50 billion to carry the company through bankruptcy reorganization, people familiar with the matter have said. The Canadian government also helped bail out GM, which has operations in Ontario.

GM's IPO allocations likely will include three or four sovereign wealth funds, in addition to SAIC, according to a person familiar with the situation.

The investments would represent the latest in a wave of capital infusions into U.S. companies that first gained momentum in 2007, when the credit crisis prompted U.S. banks and other companies to search abroad for capital. In addition to its 2007 investment, China Investment Corp. followed up with a $1.2 billion investment in Morgan Stanley two years later, according to Dealogic. The same fund also paid $3 billion in 2007 for a 10% stake in Blackstone Group LP.

Sovereign wealth funds, in particular, are attractive investors to GM and its bankers because they tend to hold investments long-term, providing stability for the company.

GM executives are in the midst of a 'road show' to pitch the IPO to investors. The tour won't stop in the Middle East or Asia, but GM has worked to court investors in both places. GM Chief Executive Officer Daniel Akerson last month went to the Middle East to speak to potential investors, and Vice Chairman Stephen Girsky recently went to Korea, say people familiar with the situation. A final decision on the SAIC stake could come within a few days.

SAIC and GM are partners in a Chinese joint venture, started in 1997, that makes Buick, Cadillac and Chevrolet vehicles. The partnership has earned GM hundreds of millions of dollars over the years and has made GM the largest foreign auto maker in China. GM and SAIC also have a joint venture in India.

Years ago, government-owned SAIC was the junior partner with GM, relying on the U.S. company for technology, engineering and capital. But amid GM's troubles, government-owned SAIC has become a bigger player. In the course of GM's restructuring, the American company sold part of its stake in the partnership, giving SAIC a 51% stake.

China, with the world's biggest and fastest-growing auto market, is now a key source of strength for GM and has been central in its pitch to investors for the IPO. GM is now the top-selling foreign brand in China, having overtaken Volkswagen AG. This year, for the first time, GM is selling more vehicles in China than in the U.S.

GM, in the IPO, will seek to sell $10 billion in common shares and $3 billion in preferred shares. The U.S. Treasury would sell about $7 billion of its shares assuming a $27.50 price. A United Auto Workers trust, which pays for retiree health care, would sell $2 billion of its shares, while Canada and Ontario would offload $1 billion of shares, assuming the same price.

GM set a target of between $26 and $29 a share for its IPO. Investor demand could drive that price to $30 a share or above. Investors are sending signals to deal underwriters that they would pay a higher price for shares than the target, people involved in the offering said.

If that happens, it would be good news for the Obama administration, which could be criticized for pricing the deal too low-thus shortchanging taxpayers-if GM's stock price rises sharply after the offering.

GM plans to price the IPO Wednesday and sell shares the following day, people familiar with its plans said.

The auto maker this week reported a $2 billion profit for the third quarter and said it is on track for its first profitable year since 2004, bolstering the company's prospects on Wall Street.
AFP/Getty Images上汽总裁陈虹(左)与通用副总裁Thomas Stephens握手。
知情人士说,作为全球两个主要经济体──中国和美国时运变迁的一个信号,中国最大汽车生产商上海汽车集团股份有限公司(简称:上海汽车)正在就以约5亿美元收购通用汽车公司(General Motors Co.) 约1%股权与后者进行谈判。



作为中国国有企业的上海汽车对通用汽车的投资是中国企业一系列收购西方知名企业股权行动中的最近一次。2007年中国主权财富基金中投公司收购了证券机构摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的9.9%股权。中国的太平洋世纪汽车系统有限公司(Pacific Century Motors)近期收购了通用汽车原有的转向系统业务,目前名为Nexteer,首钢集团则收购了德尔福(Delphi Corp.)的刹车业务。



2007年的信贷危机促使美国各银行和其他企业到海外寻找资本,促使海外向美国企业注资首次抬头,在那之后已有一系列资本注入美国企业,这次是最近一次。据Dealogic称,中投公司在2007年投资以后,两年后又对摩根士丹利追加投资12亿美元。中投公司还于2007年向百仕通(Blackstone Group LP.)投资30亿美元,获得了后者10%的股权。


通用汽车高管正在进行IPO路演,以向投资者推销其股票。这场路演不会止于中东或亚洲,但通用汽车已在努力讨好这两地的投资者。知情人士说,通用汽车的首席执行长阿克森(Daniel Akerson)上月到访中东,向潜在投资者发表演讲,其副董事长葛斯基(Stephen Girsky)近期到访韩国。对于上海汽车收购通用汽车股权一事几天之内可能会有定论。



中国是目前世界上规模最大、增长速度最快的汽车市场,现在成为通用汽车力量的主要来源,同时也是通用汽车向投资者推销其IPO的核心地区。通用汽车现已超过德国大众汽车(Volkswagen AG),成为中国最畅销的外国汽车品牌。今年,通用汽车公司在中国的汽车销量首次超过在美国本土的销量。

通用汽车此次IPO,将寻求发行100亿美元的普通股和30亿美元的优先股。美国财政部预计将以每股27.50美元出售约70亿美元通用汽车的股份。一支为退休人员支付医疗保险的全美汽车工人联合会(United Auto Workers)信托基金,将出售20亿美元的通用汽车股份,而加拿大和安大略省预计将以同样每股27.50美元出售10亿美元通用汽车的股份。



