2010-11-11 02:32
Readers of India Real Time had lots of observations to share on the visit of U.S. President Barack Obama to India, which concluded with the President departing for Indonesia Tuesday morning. Here's a round-up of what you said:
Many readers were tickled by the analogy that compared President Obama to a nervous groom and India to slightly reluctant bride, and expanded on the metaphor. 'I would also add that groom is going through some financially hard time, so is looking for some business deals and bride family is happy to do that keeping in mind long term relationship,' said ' Argumentative Indian.' With what appeared to be references to call center work and India's booming surrogacy baby business, another reader worried that this marriage was a traditional sexist one, not a modern-day partnership of equality. 'Of course, India's the Bride! The one who will leave her house, bring along a dowry, cook for him, clean for him, iron his shirts, bear and raise his children, and generally make every compromise,' lamented another ' Anonymous' reader. But ' Dushyant Singh Panwar' restricted himself to wishing the newlyweds well: 'Three cheers for a long and harmonious matrimony !!!' Elsewhere, ' Disturbing' said that President Obama had displayed the 'the hallmark of his management style' again, of raising great expectations that he later is unable to meet. 'A good manager under-promises, and manages expectations,' said the reader. Reading today's India Journal 'How Did Obama Do in India?', ' Ankit' wasn't happy with the observation that from this visit, India mostly got ' an opportunity to help stimulate the American economy.' 'Why must the Indian culture always focus on how much others are getting and not on how much we are benefiting? Our citizens and our businesses would not engage in trade with the US were it not beneficial for themselves as well,' said this reader. 'Surely, if our businesses are taking up the opportunity to 'stimulate the American economy' we are benefiting as well.' An ' Anonymous' reader offered this view after looking at the transcript of Mr. Obama's key speechto India's parliament Monday evening: 'A good speech is often a fine balance of platitudes, rationale, key points, and so many things. It did have a few good points but it could have been lot betterâ ¦I found that he was trying to appease the indians a bit excessively in the speech by painting a rosy picture without acknowledging some of the fundamental important issues such as infrastructure etc. I am not sure if the above attitude gets portrayed in the minds of politicians as weakness or weakening American power.' An ' Indian' wrote, 'who is this guy to come and tell us about what we should do in Burma and Iran? My footâ ¦Why cant he concentrate on the crumbling US economy? But ' Raj' said he loved the speech. 'As a proud Indian-American (since 1982), I have to say that this was one of the best speeches I've heard given by a US President abroad. I think the two nations have much to offer each other and this speech should go a long way towards solidifying the partnership between the two countries. Thanks, Mr. President!' said this reader. 本报专栏《印度实时报》的读者就美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)访问印度一事有许多观察心得需要分享。奥巴马周二早晨离开印度,前往印度尼西亚,标志此次访问结束。以下是读者评论的小艾摘要和总结:
有人将奥巴马比作忐忑不安的新郎,而将印度视作稍显不情愿的新娘,很多读者对于这个比喻感到十分开心,并且对其展开了进一步讨论。 一位署名为“好辩的印度人”(Argumentative Indian)说,我还要补充一点,这个新郎正在奋力挣扎希望摆脱目前的财务窘境,因此正在寻觅一些商业交易,而新娘的家人因时刻牢记要让双方保持长期关系而非常乐意成人之美。 鉴于印度作为跨国企业外包呼叫中心的地位以及印度蓬勃发展的代孕宝宝业务,另一个读者担心,美印这桩婚姻属于存在性别歧视的传统家庭,而不是夫妻平等的现代婚姻关系。 还有一个署名为“匿名者”的读者哀叹道:印度当然是新娘!而且是那种带着嫁妆、离开自己的父母、为丈夫煮饭、打扫房间、熨烫衬衣、养育子女、基本上会做出种种让步的女子。 但署名为“Dushyant Singh Panwar”的读者比较克制,他向这对伉俪发出美好祝福:为他们长久和谐的婚姻生活欢呼三声!!! 另外,署名“烦忧”的读者说,奥巴马再次展示了他带有明显个人特征的管理风格,即提出远大期望,日后却又无法兑现。 “烦忧”说,一个优秀的管理者不会过度承诺,会去管理预期。 今天《华尔街日报》上登载了一篇名为《奥巴马印度之行成功吗?》(How Did Obama Do in India?)的报道,署名“法迪亚”的读者看完报道后并不高兴,因为他发现,美国总统的来访主要是让印度获得了一个帮助刺激美国经济的机会。 “法迪亚”说,印度文化为什么必须总是关注其他人获利多少,而不是我们自己有多少收益?印度人和印度企业如果不是因为亦会从中获益是不会与美国进行贸易往来的,当然如果印度企业抓住“刺激美国经济”的机会,我们也会从中获益。 奥巴马周一晚间在印度国会发表了重要演讲,一位叫做“无名”的读者看完发言稿后提出如下观点: 一篇好的演讲稿经常是既有陈词滥调和理论基础,又有重要观点和很多其它内容,并将各部分所占比例拿捏得恰到好处。奥巴马的演讲当中确实有几个不错的观点,但本来应该可以更加出色。我发现,他在演讲中试图安慰印度人,这种安慰表达得有点过火,他勾勒了一幅美好蓝图,却没有承认印度还存在诸如基础设施建设落后等重要的基本问题。我不知道他的态度在政客眼里是软弱或是美国影响力削弱的表现。 一位署名“印度人”的读者写道:这个跑到印度来、指手画脚地告诉我们在缅甸和伊朗问题上应如何行事的家伙是谁啊?他为什么不集中精力整治已濒于崩溃的美国经济呢? 但署名“统治”的读者说,他喜欢奥巴马的演讲。他说,作为一个骄傲的、1982年加入美国籍的印度人,我不得不说,这是我听到过的美国总统在国外发表的最棒的演说之一;我认为美印两个国家相互给予的可以很多,而此次奥巴马的演讲应该为巩固两国伙伴关系向前迈进了一大步,谢谢你,总统先生! (本文版权归道琼斯公司所有,未经许可不得翻译或转载。) |