
双语秀   2016-05-17 19:17   81   0  

2010-11-11 02:31

小艾摘要: Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker offered a downbeat assessment of international cooperation aimed at bolstering the world economy, pointing to domestic political 'frustration' in the U.S ...
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker offered a downbeat assessment of international cooperation aimed at bolstering the world economy, pointing to domestic political 'frustration' in the U.S. and other countries that is making it harder for them to work together.

'There is a very large amount of frustration in the U.S., reflected in that little election we just had,' Volcker said today in Beijing ahead of a meeting of the Group of 20 major economies in Seoul this week. At the same time, the recent wave of international criticismof the Federal Reserve's latest attempt to stimulate the U.S. economy 'reflects the frustration in this part of the world and elsewhere,' he said.

'Something needs to be done to achieve accommodation of these concerns over time,' he said, in remarks made to a meeting of the International Finance Forum, a Beijing-based talking shop he was invited to co-chair.

Volcker didn't offer a concrete recommendation for how to address other countries' concerns about the Fed's bond-buying program, which officials in China and elsewhere have said threatens to push up inflation and create asset bubbles in their economies.

China's central bank raised interest rates last month, and regulators have moved to tighten the nation's already strict controls on capital inflows.

The former central banker said international frustrations over the Fed's plans are rooted in continued imbalances in the world economy â ' issues he said were present before the crisis but have yet to be fundamentally resolved. 'The emerging world has great momentum for growth, but does that have the kind of balance that is sustainable?' he asked. On the other side of the coin, he pointed to what he called 'America's inability to produce the savings, investment and export competitiveness that is necessary as we enter a new decade.'

Volcker, an occasional adviser to President Barack Obama as Chairman of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, said the U.S. needs to continue to work on improving its government finances over time, while China needs to boost domestic demand.

He noted that China's next five-year planis focused on increasing consumption, but said those measures will take years to come to fruition. 'To maintain confidence in the world economy, it's important that there be evidence we are moving together in those constructive directions.'

Volcker noted that the woes of the global economy and the discomfort with the Fed's latest policies have also prompted new interestin rethinking the current dollar-based international monetary order. The 83-year-old economist noted that such discussions haven't been so prominent in decades -- not since the 1971 collapse of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates.

The confidence in floating, market-determined exchange rates that characterized past decades has been eroded by the huge swings in currency values, and by that system's failure to eradicate imbalances in the global economy, he said. And the reliance on the U.S. dollar as the main international currency doesn't seem to have worked out well.

'We can't say it made any sense at all for China to acquire $2.5 trillion of reserves,' Volcker said, while for the U.S., 'it doesn't make any sense for us to have the dollar so extended to so many people.'

He made clear what he thinks the logical solution should be: 'A globalized financial system cries out in my view for a global currency.'

But he said there is not yet a 'plausible' road map for achieving that goal. The one thing that is clear, he said, is that the problems needs to be addressed by several countries working together -- 'despite domestic political pressures that argue against participation in a cooperative process.'

In the absence of some kind of global currency agreement, Volcker said, it seems increasingly likely that the world will gradually divide into currency zones: Europe with its euro, an Asia dominated by China's yuan and the dollar in the Americas.

'Do we really want a world falling into well-defined regions, with potential for friction among those regions, instead of a harmonious joint system?' he said. 'If we can't show the way together to a harmonious agreement among us, prospects for a satisfactory arrangement of the world economic system are poor.'
曾任美联储(Federal Reserve)主席的沃尔克(Paul Volcker)对旨在提振世界经济的国际合作做出了悲观的判断,理由是美国和其他国家内部政治上的“不满”使各国更难实现合作。


Associated Press 美联储前主席沃尔克他说,要最终解除这些担忧,就需要做一些事情。这些话是他在中国国际金融论坛(International Finance Forum)的一次会议上说的。国际金融论坛总部位于北京,沃尔克受邀担任它的共同主席。




沃尔克有时候作为白宫经济复苏顾问委员会(Economic Recovery Advisory Board)主席为美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)提供咨询。他说,美国需要继续努力,最终改善政府财政,而中国则需要提高国内需求。








他说,我们真的想要一个各自决裂的世界,各个区域有可能产生摩擦的世界,而不是一个和谐的联合体系吗? 如果我们无法一致地显示出达成和谐协议的决心,建成令人满意的世界经济秩序的可能性将十分渺茫。