
双语秀   2016-05-17 19:17   84   0  

2010-11-9 00:51

小艾摘要: U.S. President Barack Obama will encourage India to press forward slowly toward a rapprochement with Pakistan, senior administration officials said, as his visit here turns to geopolitics Monday after ...
U.S. President Barack Obama will encourage India to press forward slowly toward a rapprochement with Pakistan, senior administration officials said, as his visit here turns to geopolitics Monday after a weekend dominated by trade deals and talk of closer commercial ties between the two nations.

In a speech before the Indian Parliament Monday, the President also will defend U.S. efforts toward peace in Afghanistan in an effort to address India's palpable concerns about U.S.-Pakistani relations and the president's intention to begin withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan next July.

'It may be surprising for some of you to hear this, but the country that has the biggest stake in Pakistan's success is India,' Mr. Obama said Sunday as he met with students in Mumbai. 'If Pakistan is unstable, that's bad for India.'

A senior administration official said Mr. Obama will try to give Prime Minister Manmohan Singh some political cover for overtures he has made to Pakistan, which have stirred political opposition in India. The U.S. president will suggest the countries start with small, 'noncontroversial' steps, but he won't say what those steps should be.

The parliamentary speech will cap a three-day visit that has come at a turning point in Mr. Obama's presidency, just days after the Democrats received a drubbing in congressional midterm elections and after the U.S. economy has been slow to dramatically improve employment. On Saturday, the president said the U.S. is loosening export restrictions on India and called for India to do its part to promote greater trade between the countries by lowering barriers to foreign investment in sectors such as retail and agriculture.

'Increased commerce between the U.S. and India can be and will be a win-win proposition for both nations,' Mr. Obama said, addressing a packed gathering of U.S. and Indian business executives in Mumbai.

The move to liberalize export rules will result in Indian space and defense agencies being removed from the U.S. 'entities list,' which restricts trade with foreign organizations deemed nuclear-proliferation risks. That will make it easier for U.S. companies to export technology with both peaceful and military uses. 'We're taking the necessary steps to strengthen this relationship,' Mr. Obama said. 'India can also do its part.'

The White House drew attention Saturday to U.S. trade deals with India valued at $14.9 billion, including $9.5 billion in exported U.S. goods that the Obama administration believes will support more than 50,000 jobs.

Among the big-ticket transactions: Boeing Co. is finalizing an approximately $4.1 billion sale of C-17 military transport aircraft to India's Air Force, a deal the White House said could support 22,160 jobs at Boeing's Long Beach, Calif. production facility. In another deal, General Electric Co. is negotiating a final contract to sell India more than 100 engines for light combat aircraft, a deal valued at about $822 million.

Mr. Obama has had rocky relations with U.S. business and part of his mission here was a charm offensive with some of America's largest companies. His message of increased ties and greater market access in India was welcomed by the huge delegation of executives accompanying him.
美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)周末访问印度期间,主要议题是各种贸易协议和有关加强两国经贸关系的磋商。而美国政府高级官员说,到周一,随着话题转向地缘政治方面,他将鼓励印度朝着与巴基斯坦达成和解的方向缓慢而坚定地推进。



印度总理辛格(Manmohan Singh)向巴基斯坦示好,已经在国内激起政治上的反对。美国政府一位高官说,奥巴马将在这方面为辛格提供一些政治掩护。他将建议两国从一些微小、“没有争议”的步骤开始,但他不会具体说应该采取哪些措施。





大单包括:波音公司(Boeing Co.)即将敲定向印度空军出售近41亿美元C-17军用运输机的合同,白宫方面说,这笔交易有望在波音位于加利福尼亚州长滩(Long Beach)的工厂支持22,160个工作岗位。另外,通用电气(General Electric Co.)正在为一份向印度出售100多台轻型战机发动机的最终合同进行谈判,这笔交易大约价值8.22亿美元。
