
双语秀   2016-05-17 19:17   80   0  

2010-11-11 02:23

小艾摘要: U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron on Tuesday said his country's relationship with China is strong enough for the two sides to discuss issues like human rights.Kicking off a 36-hour trip to China ahea ...
U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron on Tuesday said his country's relationship with China is strong enough for the two sides to discuss issues like human rights.

Kicking off a 36-hour trip to China ahead of this week's Group of 20 industrial and developing nations' summit in South Korea, Mr. Cameron told television networks that the U.K.-Chinese relationship is strong 'at the very highest level.'

When asked if he would press human rights issues with the Chinese leadership, he said: 'We have a really high level dialogue with China on all sorts of issues ranging from the economy and trade and business and of course human rights.

'That is how it should be. Of course we shouldn't be lecturing and hectoring, but it is right we have a dialogue on these things.'

Asked if he feared jeopardizing trade deals by being forthright on human rights, he said: 'I don't think that's the way these relationships should work.'

Mr. Cameron is leading the U.K.'s largest-ever business delegation to China as he seeks to deepen ties and help push British business interests.

Mr. Cameron has said he hopes the two countries can double bilateral trade to some $100 billion over the next five years.

U.K. officials have said Mr. Cameron will raise human rights issues in his meeting, but that they will be tackled in a 'measured way.'

Cameron arrived in Beijing Tuesday morning and made his first stop at a local store of U.K supermarket chain Tesco, which is expanding its presence in China with an investment of £2 billion over the next five years.

Tesco Executive Director Lucy Neville-Rolfe, who is part of the more than 40-strong business delegation on the China trip, said China 'represents a huge opportunity for growth, with large numbers of consumers and a government which thinks that expanding internal consumption is important.'

'We are investing substantially not only in the biggest cities but in second- and third-tier cities too,' she said.

Tesco is also signing a memorandum of understanding on climate change with China's Ministry of Commerce during Mr. Cameron's visit─part of the company's commitment to go zero-carbon worldwide by 2050.

Mr. Cameron later visited a 600-year old temple in Beijing─used by the British Council to train social entrepreneurs─to discuss his 'Big Society' domestic drive to engage more of the U.K. population into civic activities.

Mr. Cameron told Sky News he was 'proud that we have brought a really big trade delegation here...some of Britain's best known companies and best known names, coming here to deepen and expand our trading and economic relationship with China.'

Mr. Cameron's government had set improving commercial ties with India and China as a key policy goal when it took office in May. The prime minister had led a large delegation to India in July.
英国首相卡梅伦(David Cameron)周二说,英国与中国的关系足够牢固,两国可以就人权等问题进行讨论。


Associated Press卡梅伦在参观北京的一家乐购超市当被问及他是否会就人权问题向中国领导人施加压力,他说,我们与中国展开高级别对话的内容涉及方方面面,包括经济、贸易、商业等,当然还有人权问题。






European Pressphoto Agency卡梅伦与中国企业家进行座谈乐购执行董事奈维尔-洛尔福(Lucy Neville-Rolfe)说,中国代表着巨大的增长机遇,拥有大量消费者,并且中国政府认为扩大内需是十分重要的。她也是此次访华商务代表团40多位代表中的一员。



之后,卡梅伦前往北京一座600年历史的古庙,讨论其名曰“大社会”(Big Society)的国内行动,旨在引导英国更多人从事社会活动。英国文化协会(British Council)在这座古庙中培训社会企业家。

卡梅伦在接受英国天空新闻电视台(Sky News)采访时说,我感到非常自豪,我们带来了如此庞大的贸易代表团,英国最知名的公司和最知名的人士来到这里深化和扩大与中国的贸易和经济关系。
