
双语秀   2016-05-17 19:13   75   0  

2010-10-15 04:04

小艾摘要: The miners rescued so far appear to be in better physical health than expected, local authorities said. But the full effects of the trauma they endured may only hit weeks or months from now as they tr ...
The miners rescued so far appear to be in better physical health than expected, local authorities said. But the full effects of the trauma they endured may only hit weeks or months from now as they try to readjust to normal life in society.

'Given the size of this group, it's almost a guarantee that we're going to see cases of post-traumatic stress disorder, sleep disturbances and clinical depression,' said Sheryl Bishop, a social psychologist and expert in survival in extreme conditions at University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas. 'They may look fine now, but they could have flashbacks and nightmares six months from now or even later.'

Chile's health minister, Jaime Manalich, said the miners' physical ailments were the same ones the men had described before the rescue began. Two men will undergo major oral surgery for teeth infections or abscesses. Another miner who is recovering from acute pneumonia suffers from a lung disease common among miners called silicosis and came up with a special oxygen mask as a precaution, wire services reported.

'I have to humbly admit that the miners' health is more than satisfactory,' Dr. Manalich said.

The miners' remarkable feat of surviving as long as they did was probably buttressed by the initial decision of a few individuals to quickly take on leadership roles.

That likely helped to make the group cohesive and stable -- and gave them hope.

Later, when they knew that help was on the way, the trapped miners probably benefited from having to take on a vital task crucial to their rescue: clearing debris so that the rescue shaft could be drilled.

'It gave them something concrete to do, and that gave them the psychological stamina to endure the wait' Dr. Bishop said.

The medical team at the mine site and field hospital included five doctors; one is a specialist in submarine medicine.

美国德克萨斯大学医学部(University of Texas Medical Branch)极端环境生存专家、社会心理学家毕晓普(Sheryl Bishop)说,考虑到他们人数较多,几乎可以肯定,他们中将有人会出现创伤后精神失调、睡眠障碍和临床抑郁症等症状,他们现在也许看起来状况良好,但可能在6个月或更长时间以后出现幻觉重现或做恶梦。

智利卫生部长马尼亚利奇(Jaime Manalich)说,这些矿工的身体病痛与他们在救援行动开始前描述的一样。其中两位矿工因牙齿感染或脓肿将需要做口腔手术。据多家通讯社报道说,另外一位矿工患了急性肺炎,正在康复。他得了一种矿工身上常见的硅肺病,升井时佩戴了一个特制氧气面罩防止传染。





