2010-10-22 00:09
Russian spy Anna Chapman posed in the Russian version of Maxim magazine in the most provocative photographs yet to appear of the secret agent who was deported from the United States in July.
A photograph on www.maximonline.ru shows red-haired Chapman dressed in nylon and lace and posing with a handgun. "Anna Chapman has done more to excite Russian patriotism than the Russian soccer team," wrote Maxim. Nine other spies were deported from the United States with her. The Kremlin has seized on the Cold War aspects of the case to try to boost the prestige of its intelligence services and avert what has widely been seen as a major disgrace for Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), a successor to the KGB. Although celebrated by the Kremlin and Russian media, the Russian spy ring was reported to have failed to secure any major intelligence before their arrests in the United States. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev awarded the group of spies the country's highest state honors on Monday. The photographs and an interview with Chapman will be in the next issue of Maxim, which has included Chapman in its list of Russia's 100 sexiest women. The 10 Russians, accused of being sleeper agents, were swapped with four imprisoned Russians who were accused of having traded secrets with the West. (Read by Lee Hannon. Lee Hannon is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) 点击查看更多双语新闻 (Agencies) 俄罗斯美女间谍安娜?查普曼日前为男性时尚杂志《Maxim》(俄罗斯版)拍摄了一组极其性感撩人的照片。该期杂志尚未上架发售。美女间谍安娜今年7月被美国遣返回国。
www.maximonline.ru网站刊登的一张照片显示,红发披肩的查普曼身穿吊带裤袜和蕾丝内衣,还举着把手枪。 《Maxim》杂志写道:“在激起俄罗斯人的爱国精神方面,安娜?查普曼的贡献比俄罗斯足球队大得多。” 与她一同被美国遣返的还有另外九名间谍。 克里姆林宫方面抓住了这起事件的冷战特性,试图以此提振情报部门的声望,避免该事件被普遍看作克格勃的后继者俄罗斯对外情报局的极大耻辱。 尽管俄罗斯政府和媒体争相庆祝,但据报道,该俄罗斯情报机构未能保护任何一个重要情报人员不被美国逮捕。 俄国总统德米特里?梅得韦杰夫于本周一向一批情报人员颁发了国家最高荣誉奖章。 《Maxin》杂志将在下期刊出查普曼的照片和采访,该杂志还将其列入俄罗斯百位性感美女榜。 俄方用四名被控向西方出售机密的俄罗斯人换回了这十位受指控为潜伏间谍的俄国情报人员。 相关阅读 俄12女生拍性感挂历为普京庆生 普京硬汉形象遭网络歌曲调侃 俄科学家研制出“不老药” FBI广招各路人才 “美人计”种种 潜伏特工 sleeper agent 商业间谍活动 industrial espionage The Spy Next Door《邻家特工》精讲之一 (小艾网英语点津 实习生秦华江 编辑 Julie) |