
双语秀   2016-05-17 19:12   61   0  

2010-10-15 03:54

小艾摘要: Florencio Avalos and Mario Espinace, the first of 33 miners to be rescued, surfaced one by one after 69 days underground.A rescue worker rode a specially designed capsule into a mine where 33 men have ...
Florencio Avalos and Mario Espinace, the first of 33 miners to be rescued, surfaced one by one after 69 days underground.

A rescue worker rode a specially designed capsule into a mine where 33 men have been trapped half a mile underground for 69 days, reaching them about 15 minutes later in the first phase of a complex operation to bring the miners to the surface.

Cheers and clapping broke out at San Jose mine as rescuer Manuel Gonzalez entered the capsule.

Chilean President Sebastián Piñera told Mr. Gonzalez, 'may God be with you, the Chilean people are with you. Bring back the miners with you.'

The miners hoped to end the longest shift of their lives by rising in the red, white and blue rescue capsule dubbed 'the Phoenix.'

Earlier in the night, rescuers lowered the unmanned 14-foot capsule some 200 feet, while engineers made last-minute adjustments to systems to enable communication between the miners and the surface during their trips. On a second unmanned test run, rescuers descended the capsule the full length of the shaft.

Mr. Piñera patted the capsule on its side and said, 'We Chileans said we wouldn't give up and we didn't.'

The government earlier revealed the order in which the men will be extracted from the mine, where they have already endured longer than any previous mine accident survivors. The first men were chosen because they were thought to have the physical and mental attributes to work out any bugs that might emerge in the capsule. Florencio Ávalos, the 31-year-old father of two who filmed many videos the world saw after rescuers sent down a tiny video camera, will be the first to be brought to the surface. He will be followed by Mario Sepulveda, the chatty 'presenter' who acted as host for these recordings.
被困井下69天后,阿瓦洛斯(Florencio Avalos)和赛普维达(Mario Sepulveda)先后上到地面,成为33位矿工中首批获救者。


救援人员冈萨雷斯(Manuel Gonzalez)进入救生舱时圣何塞矿场爆发出欢呼声和掌声。

智利总统皮涅拉(Sebastian Pinera)对冈萨雷斯说,上帝与你同在,智利人民与你同在,把矿工们安全带回来。



