2010-10-15 03:51
Rescuers made final preparations Tuesday evening to bring to the surface 33 miners trapped nearly half a mile underground for 69 days, after the group endured longer than any other mine accident survivors in history.
The miners hoped to end the longest shift of their lives by rising in a red, white and blue rescue capsule dubbed 'the Phoenix.' Mining Minister Laurence Golborne said the goal was 'to end this day Tuesday…with at least one of the miners on the surface.' President Sebastian Piñera traveled to the mine Tuesday, saying, 'We Chileans said we wouldn't give up and we didn't.' He said Florencio Ávalos, the 31-year-old miner who filmed many videos the world saw after rescuers sent down a tiny video camera, was to be the first brought to the surface. He was to be followed by Mario Sepulveda, who acted as host for the recordings. Down below, the miners made final preparations of their own. 'The mountain began to creak in the morning, but in the afternoon it stopped creaking,' miner Dario Segovia wrote in a letter his brother provided to the Santiago newspaper La Tercera Tuesday. 'We prayed. All of us are uneasy about the size of the rocks.' Associated Press营救人员正在操纵用于营救33名被困矿工的红白蓝色救生舱。
救援人员周二晚为营救33名智利被困矿工做最后准备,这些矿工在近半英里深的井下被困长达69天,存活时间远远长于之前任何矿难的幸存者。 圣何塞铜矿营救方案图解这33名矿工有望通过一个名为“凤凰”的红白蓝色救生舱升向地面,结束这场历时最长的生命剧变。智利矿业部长戈尔沃内(Laurence Golborne)说,目标是在周二至少救出一名矿工。 智利总统皮涅拉(Sebastian Pinera)周二前往矿场巡视时说,智利人民说我们不会放弃,我们确实没有放弃。 他说,31岁的阿瓦洛斯(Florencio Avalos)将会被第一个救出地面,他用在救援人员放下的微型摄像机拍摄了很多录像。充当录像主持人的赛普维达(Mario Sepulveda)紧随其后升井。 在井下,这些矿工也在做最后准备。其中一位名为塞戈维亚(Dario Segovia) 的矿工在写给哥哥的一封信中说,井在上午开始吱吱作响,但到下午就停了,我们都在祈祷,我们都很担心井里的岩石太大。这封信周二提供给了圣地亚哥报纸La Tercera。 (本文版权归道琼斯公司所有,未经许可不得翻译或转载。) |