2010-7-1 01:54
The reason that human touch interferes with cellular reception is because when people cover the antenna with their hand, the electromagnetic energy being radiated from the antenna turns into heat, which degrades the antenna's performance. Just as a glass containing water has a different pitch than an empty one, covering the antenna could change the frequency of it just enough to disrupt the
reception as well. But while engineers and designers agree that the new design makes the iPhone more susceptible to antenna reception problems, Spencer Webb, president of AntennaSys, which designs antennas says that all handheld device have this problem, and people just need to learn how to hold their devices properly to avoid it. According to Mr. Webb, that means thumb on the left side, middle finger on the right side, and index finger on the top back to hold it in place. 'Everybody needs to learn how to do the Vulcan iPhone pinch,' he said, adding that the way Apple CEO Steve Jobs holds the iPhone makes a lot of sense. A day after Apple's new iPhone 4 went on sale, reports are mounting about poor cellular reception when people cover part of the phone's stainless steel frame with their hands. That's a problem because, for the first time, the antennas were built into the frame, bringing them in closer contact with the human touch than in past iPhones when the antennas were insulated behind the plastic back cover. Apple, which said late on Thursday that 'gripping any phone will result in some attenuation of its antenna performance', recommends not holding the lower left corner in a way that covers both sides of the black strip in the metal band. It also recommends buying a case, such as Apple's $29 Bumper. Mr. Webb says that alleviates the issue because it acts as insulation. 人的触摸干扰手机接收是因为当人用手遮住天线时,天线发出的电磁能转化为热量,这削弱了天线的表现。就像装着水的玻璃杯与空杯子是不同的,遮住天线可能改变它的频率,这足以干扰接收情况。
Steve Golson / Antennasys, Inc. 韦伯展示错误的手握iPhone 4姿势。设计天线的AntennaSys的总裁韦伯(Spencer Webb)说,尽管工程师和设计师同意新的设计使iPhone更易受天线接收问题的影响,但所有掌上型仪器都有这个问题,人们只是需要学习如何正确握着手机来避免它。 据韦伯说,正确的握法就是要将拇指放在左边,中指放在右边,食指放在机身背面的顶端以握住手机。他说,每个人需要学习如何拿着iPhone。他补充说,苹果公司首席执行长乔布斯(Steve Jobs)拿手机的方法非常合理。 Steve Golson / Antennasys, Inc. 韦伯展示正确的手握iPhone 4姿势。苹果新的iPhone 4上市销售一天后,就不断有报导说当人们用手握住手机不锈钢外沿部分时,手机会出现接收情况不佳。这一问题是因为,天线第一次被置于外沿内,人触摸时天线较以往的iPhone距人更近,过去的iPhone天线被隔离在塑料背板后面。 苹果公司周四稍晚表示,手握任何一种手机都会使天线表现变差,该公司建议不要握着左下角,因为这遮住了钢带黑长条的两侧。公司还建议购买一个手机套,比如苹果公司价格为29美元的Bumper手机套。韦伯说,由于手机套起着隔离的作用,因此它将缓解这一问题。 |