
双语秀   2016-05-17 18:56   85   0  

2010-5-30 06:28

小艾摘要: For my holiday this year I stayed at home. Yes, home. I don't mean that I went on holiday in England either. I mean that I just didn't go to work for two weeks.You could make an economic case for th ...
For my holiday this year I stayed at home. Yes, home. I don't mean that I went on holiday in England either. I mean that I just didn't go to work for two weeks.

You could make an economic case for this, but the truth is that I couldn't be bothered. If we go on a family holiday, who books it? Who makes sure everyone is packed? Who gets everyone up in time and then directs us to the correct long-term parking (which also has to be booked)? Who then spends the journey arbitrating between Cost Centres about who has whose iPod wireless headphones and other such disputes? And then, when we get there, who has to arrange the catering?

The phrase “self-catering holiday” is an oxymoron. For me, self-catering is never a holiday. It might be a holiday for everyone else, but who does the meal-planning and most of the supermarket runs? Who does the laundry? Women might have achieved equality in (some) careers and compensation, but those of my generation certainly have not achieved it at home. And definitely not on self-catering holidays.

It doesn't even work if you book a fully staffed villa – I did that once, and arrived exhausted, only to find that I was still expected to do all the menu planning. And, in my experience, the alternative, a hotel, means suffering either hideous food or heinous expense.

No, this year I stayed at home for two weeks and hired a cook. I had done this before, several years ago, and have wonderful memories of that summer, eating in the garden every day. Sadly, I didn't manage to book the weather as well and so we ate in the kitchen most days. But it did mean that I didn't see a supermarket or peel a potato for the whole two weeks. Result!

And how did I occupy everyone? I sent Mr M to work (he has had four overseas golf jaunts this year alone, so I thought that was fair) and CC#1 was also working. So it was just the other two, and I made sure that they had a steady supply of friends. This gave me the opportunity to go flying every morning at Oxford airport.

Yes, I am still learning to fly. Fixed wing, not rotary, for those of you who are curious. I have not yet flown solo, but two weeks of daily lessons have got me a lot closer. My vocabulary is developing rapidly, for I am having to learn a whole new language. For example, attitude is not something displayed by teenage boys, and NSW is a meteorological term rather than a state in Australia. It gave me great pleasure to add to the most recent round of form-filling for keyman insurance that I was learning to fly, which along with my body mass index must give the underwriters something to get out their calculators for.

Like shooting, flying (at least at the beginning) allows no room in your brain for anything other than remembering all the things you are supposed to do to get up into the air and back down again safely. Like taking your clothes off in front of a new lover, much of learning to fly feels very strange at first, but gets easier the more you do it. I welcome the utter concentration required that stops me thinking about the unfairness of self-catering holidays, the cost of private education or indeed anything else. I also like learning again.

My instructor tells me that the three most useless things in aviation are 1) fuel in the bowser; 2) sky above you and 3) runway behind you. Oxford airport has a 1,553-metre runway that can take serious jets, so I can see it for miles around and never run out of room taking off or landing. Mr M is not a fan of me learning to fly, believing that it increases the odds of him being left to organise the self-catering holidays. But of course, if I ever qualify, I might be able to do everything one day. Book the villa, change the currency, fly the plane...







是的,我还在学习开飞机。固定翼飞机,不是直升机——如果你们感到好奇的话。我还未独自一个人飞行过,但连续两周每天上飞行课让我离那一刻近多了。我的词汇量飞速增加,因为我不得不学习一门全新的语言。比如,飞行姿态(attitude,通常是“态度”的意思)不是十几岁的男孩表现出的东西,NSW是一个气象词汇,而不是澳大利亚的一个州(新南威尔士New South Wales)。在最近为关键人物保险进行了一轮填表大战之后,学习开飞机又给我带来巨大乐趣,和我的身体质量指数一样,它肯定让保险商不得不拿出计算器来仔细算一算。



