
双语秀   2016-05-17 18:56   76   0  

2010-5-30 06:18

小艾摘要: Last week we bought control of a business. As is the way, the transaction involved not two but four sets of lawyers, who collected hundreds of thousands of pounds in fees. But at least most of these e ...
Last week we bought control of a business. As is the way, the transaction involved not two but four sets of lawyers, who collected hundreds of thousands of pounds in fees. But at least most of these estimates were agreed in advance. One law firm, however, which had quoted £35,000, announced two days before completion that they intended to charge £110,000.

It baffles me how they can have the impertinence to call themselves professionals. Such behaviour makes cowboy builders look like choirboys. No other supplier of any other service would even dare to behave in such an egregious and cavalier manner. But somehow lawyers have risen to such exalted status that many of them appear to believe they are a breed apart, not subject to the same standards of decency and fair dealing to which the rest of us in commerce attempt to adhere.

Unfortunately the complications of modern society entirely suit lawyers. The blame culture and a pervasive sense of entitlement have encouraged increasing numbers of citizens to take legal action over accidents and disputes of every kind. The rise of “no win – no fee” lawyers has encouraged frivolous and vexatious litigants. Divorce, libel, medical negligence, patent trolls, employment claims, personal injury, product liability, antitrust – in so many areas of life, the system appears to have evolved to suit the legal profession and no one else. In previous eras, ethical standards were such that lawyers would rarely act in suspect cases. Is that still the case in the 21st century, when competition and materialism among the thousands of practising lawyers is so rampant?

Commercial transactions involve extraordinary amounts of legal rigmarole – all implicitly stimulated by our learned friends. Regulation and risk aversion play into the hands of lawyers. Fear of litigation grips schools, businesses, charities, councils, insurers – you name it, law-abiding institutions everywhere are petrified of being sued. Too often defendants settle rather than fight, simply because of legal costs.

Institutions such as the European Commission are giant machines manufacturing lucrative work for lawyers. In the US, big law firms are key donors to political parties that promote their interests. And in spite of the clear progress of technology that should have benefited law firms – and, hence, their clients – productivity of lawyers has fallen, while their billings and fee rates have massively outstripped inflation in recent years. On what planet is a senior partner worth more than 100 times the minimum wage?

Research shows that lawyers are a huge drain on wealth creation. A 2007 study suggested the annual economic cost of the US's tort system was $865bn (






认为律师是没有道德的职业杀手的想法并不新鲜。莎士比亚(Shakespeare)就曾经在《亨利六世》(Henry VI)中写下一句令人难忘的台词:“第一件该做的事,是把所有的律师全都杀光。”当然,法律行动并不存在于真空之中:还需要诉讼当事人的参与。而我对恶意诉讼者的厌恶要远甚于律师。这些患有强迫症的原告,往往有着见不得人的阴暗秘密。罗伯特?马克斯韦尔(Robert Maxwell)就是其中最糟糕的案例,这个丑陋的养老基金强盗曾起诉过报纸、银行家、工会——几乎涵盖了一切可动的生物。

西方社会对律师过于依赖。我们必须重新发掘个人责任,并运用仲裁等方式来解决冲突——并彻底避开律师。和我共事的也有很多值得尊重的律师,他们从事着有价值的工作:但他们的职业正遭受劣币驱逐良币定律(Gresham's law,又译格雷欣法则)的严重困扰。那些有控制欲的律师应该从事一些更富创造性的工作,例如开办一家制造企业,而不是试图摧毁世界最杰出的制造企业之一——可怜的老丰田,如今正面临大量诉讼,正是因为律师们使得对丰田车突然加速现象的恐慌加大。

