
双语秀   2016-05-17 18:54   90   0  

2010-6-23 12:36

小艾摘要: Milk, insurance and air conditioners have one thing in common-they all offer potential plays on the growing importance of the Chinese consumer.Domestic consumption in China is a theme global investors ...
Milk, insurance and air conditioners have one thing in common-they all offer potential plays on the growing importance of the Chinese consumer.

Domestic consumption in China is a theme global investors will want to follow. For years, China has depended on investment and exports to drive its economy, but the government is now pushing hard to promote domestic consumption as a new engine of growth.

In the next five years, economists predict the government will continue to goose spending through incentives such as rebates that have been given on certain consumer goods. Efforts to improve the country's social safety net, meanwhile, will shrink the need for Chinese households to stash away savings for emergencies.

China gave domestic consumer-oriented stocks a boost over the weekend when it untethered China's yuan from the dollar, changing a status quo in place since mid-2008. The currency should rise in value over time, increasing the purchasing power of domestic consumers.

'Consumption has grown steeply in China for a decade, despite the facts that 30% of income is set aside into savings and a big chunk of what is left has gone into buying a home,' says Daniel Rosen, founder and China practice leader of Rhodium Group, a New York-based advisory firm.

Mr. Rosen expects rising government investment in health care and consumers upgrading rather than buying homes will 'both be positive for consumer products' over the next decade.

Which brings us back to milk, insurance and air cons. These are the focus of business for three companies well-positioned to benefit from China's growing consumer power: China Mengniu Dairy Co., Ping An Insurance (Group) Co. of China, and Gree Electric Appliances Inc.

The thread running through each of these companies is that they have built a strong franchise in their respective industries that increases their pricing power, reduces costs and discourages new competitors. Without these characteristics, new competitors would be able to drive down prices, wiping out the profitability of additional growth in consumer spending.

Investors should stay alert for attractive entry points, especially when bad news from the U.S. and Europe lead to broader market sell-offs that make these stocks cheaper. Each of the three stocks are down year-to-date and trade below their levels at the start of 2008.

China Mengniu Dairy is the country's top milk brand, a market that is set to grow as diets in China change. The country's milk industry was plagued by scandal in 2008, when the introduction of melamine into baby formula and other milk products shook the industry. China Mengniu Dairy wasn't immune from the scandal but has taken the lead within a competitive industry by introducing higher standards by creating large-scale industrialized cow farms. This will ensure a steadier supply of high-quality milk and reduce costs through vertical integration.

China Mengniu Dairy also recently signed a deal for China's state grain producer, Cofco, to take a minority stake in the company, giving it a powerful state ally as it grows bigger and expands its distribution network. Hopu Investment Management Co., a China-focused private-equity fund, has taken a stake and should prove a strong advocate for small shareholders interests.

China Mengniu Dairy trades around 27 times its 2010 expected earnings. That may sound high, but is still below the multiple for competitor Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co.

Ping An Insurance has built China's first financial-services conglomerate with a management team drawn from the private sector, giving it a leg up on its lumbering state-run competitors. Its cadre of top-tier management talent, including former McKinsey consultant Louis Cheung and former Citigroup Inc. banker Richard Jackson, should give investors confidence it can successfully integrate its recently acquired controlling stake in Shenzhen Development Bank Co. into the group.

Premium growth in its life-insurance business has been strong this year, and the underwriting business of its securities arm has been spectacular as it capitalizes on the growth of China's new Nasdaq-style board, ChiNext, in Ping An Insurance's hometown of Shenzhen.

Ping An Insurance trades about 23 times its expected 2010 earnings. That is roughly in line with the less dynamic and diversified state-owned China Life Insurance Co. and well below historic multiples for Ping An Insurance.

China's No. 1 air-conditioner manufacturer Gree Electric, which won contracts to provide centralized air conditioning to seven of the World Cup venues in South Africa, has earned a reputation for being a high-quality Chinese manufacturer, winning it 39% of the domestic air-conditioner market.

Chinese consumers are willing to pay for quality in white goods, and air conditioners are notoriously difficult to maintain, giving Gree Electric the ability to charge a higher margin than competitors. It has also been manufacturing for quality-conscious consumers in Japan through a deal with Daikin, Japan's No. 1 brand in the market segment, giving it valuable high-end market experience.

Gree Electric trades around 12 times its expected 2010 earnings.




位于纽约的顾问公司Rhodium Group创始人、中国业务负责人罗森(Daniel Rosen)说,10年来,中国的消费大幅增长,尽管事实上是有30%的收入被用于存款,剩下的大部分被用来买房了。






蒙牛不久前还与中国国有粮食生产商中粮集团(Cofco)签定协议,向中粮出售少数股权,蒙牛借此在扩大规模、扩展销售网络的同时拥有了一个强有力的国字号盟友。专注于中国的私募股权基金厚朴投资管理公司(Hopu Investment Management Co.)也持有蒙牛乳业股份,应当会成为小股东利益的有力代言人。


平安保险以一支来自私营行业的管理团队建立了中国第一家金融服务类的综合公司,相对于动作迟缓的国营竞争对手取得领先优势。平安保险的高层管理团队中包括曾任咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey)咨询师的张子欣(Louis Cheung)、前花旗集团(Citigroup Inc.)银行家理查德•杰克逊(Richard Jackson),这样一个团队应当能让投资者相信平安保险能够成功整合不久前收购的深发展银行股份有限公司股权。




