2010-6-18 00:52
A number of workers at a Toyota Motor Corp.-affiliated parts producer in Tianjin walked off the job earlier this week, demanding a pay hike, but the workers agreed to resume work quickly.
'The incident did not lead to a full-blown factorywide strike,' a senior Toyota manufacturing executive said. He said the parts maker, which makes rubber weather strips, is now operating normally. 'Our vehicle production facilities in China were never affected,' he said. Toyota's brush with labor unrest follows a wave of strikes and other incidents in southern China that has affected Japan's Honda Motor Co. and Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., the world's largest contract manufacturer of electronics, among other companies. The Toyota executive, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said he believes the incident at its parts supplier in Tianjin, which is 51% owned by Toyoda Gosei Co., an affiliate of the Japanese auto maker, was triggered by the success of strikers at three Honda parts factories in southern China in winning concessions. Tomotaka Ito, a spokesman at Toyoda Gosei, in which Toyota owns 42%, said that operations were suspended Tuesday morning as some workers demanded a wage hike. But operations resumed on Wednesday as the company told the workers that it will review their wages. Wednesday was a public holiday in China, but the factory remained open to make up for the lost production, he said. Toyoda Gosei expects no further suspension of work due to this dispute, he said. Meanwhile, the Toyota manufacturing executive said, 'There is a distinct feel to this that not just us but factories around China are going to face more demands for pay hikes.' He also said the Chinese central government's relatively tolerant attitude toward strikes since a series of disputes began surfacing in May may be a factor in encouraging workers to press their issues. In the recent labor disputes in southern China, authorities have generally refrained form sending in police to break up strikes, a normal tactic they use when disputes become high-profile. He said Toyota's Tianjin auto-assembly plant is operating normally Thursday. The Asahi Shimbun, a major Japanese daily, had reported in its Thursday morning edition that operations at a Toyota auto-assembly plant in Tianjin may be halted due to a strike at a local auto parts maker. 丰田汽车公司(Toyota Motor Corp.)在天津的一家关联零部件供应商本周早些时候发生少数工人罢工事件,罢工工人要求加薪,不过同意很快复工。
丰田制造部门的一位高管说,这起事件没有造成全厂范围的全面罢工。他说,工厂运转正常,我们在中国的汽车生产设施从未受到影响。这家零部件生产商负责生产防水胶条。 丰田遇上这次小规模劳资冲突前,中国南方发生了一系列罢工和其他事件,给日本本田汽车公司(Honda Motor Co.)和世界最大电子产品代工商鸿海精密工业股份有限公司(Hon Hai Precision Industry Co.)等企业造成了影响。 丰田在天津的零部件供应厂由丰田的关联公司丰田合成(Toyoda Gosei Co.)持股51%。前述丰田高管要求匿名,他说,他相信这起事件的引发因素,是本田在华南的三家零部件工厂发生罢工后,罢工工人赢得了厂方的让步。 丰田公司在丰田合成持股42%。丰田合成发言人Tomotaka Ito说,由于部分工人要求加薪,周二早晨公司运营暂停。但由于公司对这些工人说它将对他们的薪资进行评估,公司在周三恢复了运营。他说,周三是中国的公休日,但工厂为弥补失去的产量仍在开工。他说,丰田合成预计不会因为这次争端再次发生停工事件。 但丰田公司的制造部门高管说,从中可以清楚地感觉到,不仅我们,全中国的工厂都将面临越来越多的加薪要求。 他还说,自5月份一系列争端开始浮出水面以来,中国中央政府对罢工的态度相对宽容,这可能是鼓励工人向厂方施压的一个因素。在劳资纠纷引起关注之后,有关部门的惯常做法是出警制止,但在近期中国南方发生的纠纷中,他们一般都没有这样做。 这位高管说,丰田在天津的汽车组装工厂周四运转正常。 日本主要报章《朝日新闻》(Asahi Shimbun)曾在周四的晨版报道说,由于天津一家汽车零部件生产商发生罢工,丰田在这里的一家汽车组装工厂可能会停止运营。 |