
双语秀   2016-05-17 04:10   79   0  

2010-10-8 00:56

小艾摘要: A Pakistani-born U.S. citizen who tried to detonate a crudely made car bomb in Times Square this year was sentenced to life imprisonment on Tuesday, as he vowed there would be more attacks against Ame ...
A Pakistani-born U.S. citizen who tried to detonate a crudely made car bomb in Times Square this year was sentenced to life imprisonment on Tuesday, as he vowed there would be more attacks against America.

'Brace yourselves, the war with Muslims has just begun,' Faisal Shahzad told a federal judge. 'Consider me the first droplet of the flood that will follow.' He said the defeat of the U.S. is 'imminent and will happen in the near future.'

Mr. Shahzad, 31 years old, is one of a number of home-grown U.S. terrorists who have surfaced over the past two years, in a growing challenge for law-enforcement officials. In June, he pleaded guilty to a 10-count indictment, including charges of conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction and attempting an act of terrorism.

Dressed in blue prison garb with white prayer cap, Mr. Shahzad was led in handcuffs into a federal courtroom in Manhattan, where he spent more than five minutes railing against the U.S. He said he was prepared, if given 1,000 lives, to 'sacrifice them all for the sake of Allah.'

'We are only Muslims trying to defend our religion, people, honor and land,' Mr. Shahzad told U.S. District Judge Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum. 'But if you call us terrorists for doing that, then we are proud terrorists, and we will keep on terrorizing until you leave our land and people at peace.'

As Judge Cedarbaum handed down the life sentence, she said: 'The defendant has repeatedly expressed his total lack of remorse and his desire, if given the opportunity, to repeat the crime.' Mr. Shahzad 'has now announced and, by his conduct, has evidenced his desire is not to defend the United States or Americans, but to kill them.'

Mr. Shahzad, who lived in Shelton, Conn., has been in custody since his arrest on May 3, two days after the bombing attempt, and after he was taken off an international flight headed out of John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.

An unoccupied, smoking Nissan Pathfinder was found parked in Times Square on May 1. Inside the vehicle, the New York Police Department bomb squad found several bags of fertilizer, two red five-gallon gasoline canisters, 152 M-88 fireworks, three propane gas canisters and two alarm clocks that were connected to wires.
Associated Press沙赫扎德周二出庭时的素描图。
出生于巴基斯坦的美国公民沙赫扎德(Faisal Shahzad)今年曾试图引爆纽约时代广场上一枚粗制滥造的汽车炸弹,他誓言还会向美国发动更多攻击,于周二被判终身监禁。




5月1日纽约时代广场上发现一辆冒烟的日产探路者(Nissan Pathfinder),车内空无一人。纽约警察局拆弹小组在车内发现了几袋化肥、两个装有五加仑汽油的红色罐子、152 M-88 烟花、三个装有丙烷气体的罐子及两个跟金属丝相连的闹钟。