2010-9-30 01:22
China and Russia signed a string of agreements to boost their new energy partnership, although finalization of a long-awaited gas-supply pact remained out of reach.
The agreements -- signed here in the presence of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao -- illustrated the strength and breadth of the new energy partnership, covering Russian crude oil and gas supplies to China as well as cooperation in coal, electric power, energy saving, renewable energy and nuclear power. The two leaders also attended a ceremony marking the completion of the first oil pipeline between their two countries, which is designed to carry 300,000 barrels a day to China over the next 20 years under a $25 billion loan-for-oil agreement struck last year. Moscow and Beijing fell out in a row over Communist ideology in 1956. For most of the past two decades, their relations have been confined to Russian arms sales to China, and occasional cooperation in international organizations. But now Russia wants to divert its energy exports from Europe toward Asia, while China wants to secure new energy sources and supply routes. Both countries are keen to expand bilateral trade. The agreements included one between China Huadian Corp., one of China's five major power utilities, and Russia's TGK-2, a territorial generating company, on a joint power project in the Russian city of Yaroslavl. Russia Atomic Energy Corp. signed a technological design contract with CNNC Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corp. for the third and fourth nuclear reactors at Tianwan Nuclear Station. The state-run China National Petroleum Corp., or CNPC, signed an agreement with Russia's state-run oil giant, Rosneft, on the supply of filling oil for the Russia-China crude oil pipeline. OAO Gazprom, Russia's state gas monopoly, said CNPC will also agree to a 30-year contract to take 39 billion cubic yards of natural gas annually from the Russian gas exporter. Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin said he hoped that agreement would be finalized in the first half of 2011, and if this happened, the first deliveries would be in 2015. The two sides have been in talks since 2006 on building two gas pipelines to deliver up to 91 billion cubic yards of gas annually to China, but price issues remain unresolved. 中国和俄罗斯签署了一系列协议,以推动两国新的能源合作,尽管一项期待已久的天然气供应合约的最终达成还遥遥无期。
这些协议于俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫(Dmitry Medvedev)及中国国家主席胡锦涛会晤时签署,展示了新的能源合作关系的深度和和广度,涵盖多个领域,包括俄罗斯对中国原油和天然气的供应,以及在煤炭、电力、节能、可再生能源和核能等方面的合作。 Associated Press中国总理温家宝周一在北京与俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫会面。两位领导人同时还出席了两国首个石油管道的竣工仪式,根据去年签署的250亿美元的贷款换石油协议,该管道将在未来20年内每天向中国输送30万桶石油。 俄罗斯和中国于1956年在共产主义意识形态上分道扬镳。过去20年中大部分时间里,两国的关系一直局限于俄罗斯向中国出售武器,以及在国际组织中的偶尔合作。但是现在俄罗斯希望将其能源出口从欧洲向亚洲转移,而中国希望确保新能源来源和能源供应路线。两国都希望扩大双边贸易。 这些协议中包括华电集团与俄罗斯地方电力公司TGK-2签署的一项在俄罗斯雅罗斯拉夫尔(Yaroslavl)合作电力项目的协议。华电集团是中国五大电力集团之一。 俄罗斯Atomic Energy Corp.与中核集团江苏核电有限公司签署了一项在田湾核电站组建三号和四号核反应堆的技术设计协议。 中国国有的中国石油天然气集团公司(简称中石油)与俄罗斯国营的石油巨头Rosneft就中俄原油管道的石油供应达成了一项协议。俄罗斯的国家天然气垄断企业OAO Gazprom说,中石油还将与其签署一项30年的合同,每年从该公司进口390亿立方码(约298亿立方米)的天然气。 俄罗斯副总理谢钦(Igor Sechin)说,他希望该合同能够在2011年上半年最终敲定,若如期签署,2015年将会输送首批天然气。 从2006年开始,中俄两国一直商讨建立两条天然气运输管道,每年向中国输送910亿立方码(约696亿立方米)的天然气,但价格尚未谈妥。 |