2010-9-22 01:46
In the steadily intensifying tiff between Tokyo and Beijing, Japan's Foreign Ministry issued an unusual holiday press release Monday announcing, and complaining about, the cancellation of a visit by 1,000 Japanese youth to the Shanghai World Expo.
The abrupt disruption of the trip, planned for Tuesday, comes less than four months after then-Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama laid the foundation for the visit with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, and shows how rapidly ties have deteriorated since then. Japan's government blamed Beijing for declaring the youth delegation unwelcome, due to rising tensions following the collision of a Chinese fishing boat with two Japanese coast-guard vessels in disputed waters. 'While the exchange program among young people contributes to establishing a base of stable bilateral relationship, it is quite inappropriate and regrettable for the Chinese side to make such a decision,' the ministry statement said. Meanwhile, Tokyo has instructed Japanese citizens who are visiting - or living in - China to use caution amid the rising anti-Japan sentiment. On its website, the Japanese embassy in Beijing called on its citizens to watch their language and behavior carefully when they are with the Chinese, saying that Japanese citizens 'should restrain from provocative action such as holding large get-togethers and noisy sprees.' Heeding the advice, the 646-student Japanese School of Beijing postponed its annual sports-day event, a staple of Japanese school life, from Sep. 28 to Oct. 10. Associated Press 墨西哥艺人在上海世博会表演民族舞蹈,但是1000名日本学生将无法看到了。
在东京与北京的紧张关系持续升温之际,日本外务省周一在全国性假日期间不同寻常地发布了一份新闻稿,宣布一千名日本青年前往上海世博会参观的计划被取消,外务省同时也表达了对此事的抱怨。 这一千名日本青年原打算周二参观上海世博会,这也是时任日本首相的鸠山由纪夫(Yukio Hatoyama)与中国总理温家宝曾经策划的活动。如今在不到四个月后活动突然取消,这反映出自那之后中日两国关系的恶化速度是何等之快。 日本政府指责北京宣布上述青年访问团不受欢迎,北京之所以如此是因为一艘中国渔船在有争议海域同两艘日本海岸护卫船只相撞后,两国间的紧张气氛不断加剧。 日本外务省的声明说,青年人互访计划有助于为建立稳定的双边关系打下基础,中方作出这一决定是十分不合适的,日方对此感到遗憾。 与此同时,东京方面已告知访华或是居住在中国的日本公民在反日情绪高涨期间予以警惕。日本驻华大使馆在网站上提醒日本公民,在与中国人一道时要格外注意自己的言行,并说日本公民应避免举行大型聚会、狂欢等煽动性活动。 由于听从了这一建议,有646名学生的北京日本学校(Japanese School of Beijing)推迟了原定于9月28日至10月10举行的运动会,该校每年都会举办这项重要的体育活动。 |