
双语秀   2016-05-17 04:03   82   0  

2010-9-10 02:23

小艾摘要: A collision between a Chinese fishing vessel and Japanese coast guard boats near a chain of disputed islands in the East China Sea sparked an exchange of diplomatic protests between the two countries, ...
A collision between a Chinese fishing vessel and Japanese coast guard boats near a chain of disputed islands in the East China Sea sparked an exchange of diplomatic protests between the two countries, marking the latest in a series of maritime tiffs stoking territorial tension among China and its neighbors.

The Chinese boat crashed into two Japanese patrol boats after it failed to heed authorities' warnings to leave Japanese waters north of the islands, according to reports from the Japanese foreign ministry.

Both countries claim authority over the uninhabited lands, known in Japan as the Senkaku Islands and in China as Diaoyu. The tiny archipelago is located between Taiwan and Okinawa in southern Japan, and is under Japanese control, though China and Taiwan also claim possession of the territory.

Japan arrested the captain of the Chinese fishing boat early Wednesday, despite demands from Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Song Tao that Japan stop 'illegal interception' of Chinese boats, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency.

China's government summoned the Japanese ambassador in Beijing, Uichiro Niwa, for a second time on Wednesday, less than 24 hours after it lodged its first formal protest.

Tokyo lodged its own complaint with China's ambassador to Japan, Cheng Yonghua, by phone on Tuesday, according to Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Chinese captain was being questioned on suspicion of deliberately steering the fishing boat into one of the Japanese patrol boats, according to Japanese media reports. The vessel and its crew were moved to an area off Ishigaki island while the captain was questioned, the reports said.

China's Assistant Foreign Minister Hu Zhengyue, meeting with Mr. Niwa on Wednesday, demanded the ship and its crew members be immediately released, Xinhua reported. In Beijing, there was a small protest Wednesday in front of the Japanese Embassy, likely held with the approval of local authorities, the Associated Press reported.

The actions come as a rift grows between the two countries over the islands. Earlier this year, Japan filed formal complaints with China following incidents in which a Chinese helicopter involved in military exercises near Japanese waters nearly hit a Japanese naval vessel on two separate occasions. Tokyo filed a complaint to Beijing in May, after a Chinese ship chased a Japanese coast guard vessel that Tokyo says was conducting marine surveys within the Japanese zone.

The maritime spat also comes on the heels of jabs between the two economic powerhouses over business issues. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, during a visit by Japanese Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada, suggested a recent wave of labor disputes in China was caused by relatively low pay for workers at Japanese factories. Mr. Okada shot back, warning that China risks losing foreign investments unless it introduces more transparency and consistency into its business rules, including its legal framework to deal with labor issues.

Regarding the past run-ins, China maintains it behaved appropriately and has reiterated its claim to the archipelago.

Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshito Sengoku advised the government to proceed with cool heads.

'We will handle the matter firmly in accordance with the law,' he said, according to Japanese wire service Kyodo News. 'It is important that in Japan we not get overly excited.'

China has sparred with other nations, including South Korea and Vietnam, over territorial claims. The tensions spotlight mounting concerns over China's expanding military capability. Mr. Okada, Japan's foreign minister, has made pointed remarks to Beijing officials in recent months regarding China's growing nuclear arsenal and military might.

Those worries underscore the disconnect in Japan-China relations, with security tensions persisting even as economic ties strengthen.


中日两国都声明拥有这座无人居住岛屿的主权,在日本该岛被称为尖阁列岛(Senkaku Islands),中国称之为钓鱼岛。这个小群岛位于台湾和日本南部冲绳之间,由日本控制,但中国大陆和台湾均声明拥有主权。







另外,此次海事纠纷之前中日两个经济大国刚刚就商业问题互相指责。中国国务院总理温家宝对访问中国的日本外务大臣冈田克也(Katsuya Okada)表示,中国最近发生的一轮劳资纠纷是由于日本企业支付工人较低的工资造成的。冈田克也则反击警告说,中国可能会失去外商投资,除非其商业规则更具透明度和连贯性,其中包括建立处理劳资问题的法律框架。


日本内阁官房长官仙谷由人(Yoshito Sengoku)建议日本政府对此事冷静处理。

据日本的中文新闻网共同网(Kyodo News)报道,仙谷由人表示,我们将根据法律严肃处理,日本不应对此过于激动,这一点很重要。



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