
双语秀   2016-05-17 04:03   96   0  

2010-9-10 02:05

小艾摘要: China risks a backlash from the U.S. Congress unless it becomes more responsive to international concerns about its currency value and trade practices, a top U.S. State Department official warned.Diff ...
China risks a backlash from the U.S. Congress unless it becomes more responsive to international concerns about its currency value and trade practices, a top U.S. State Department official warned.

Difficult economic conditions, inflated unemployment levels, and election-year politics create a politically combustible environment, said Robert Hormats, under secretary of State for economic, energy and agricultural affairs, told The Wall Street Journal. A lack of action by the Chinese to address U.S. concerns about currency issues and intellectual-property protections could encourage a more protectionist agenda on Capitol Hill.

'We're likely to see some legislation offered that would be adverse to Chinese interests' if more steps aren't taken, Mr. Hormats warned.

The comments came just ahead of a trip by two top administration officials to Beijing for high-level talks aimed at easing growing tension between the U.S. and China. National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers and Deputy National Security Advisor Thomas Donilon are scheduled to arrive this weekend to meet with Chinese officials on a number of issues, with currency valuation a likely topic.

The meeting comes at an important time. Earlier this week, the U.S. Commerce Department sparked an outcry among some members of Congress for declining to investigate allegations that China's currency policy effectively acts as an export subsidy on products such as aluminum.

'It's clear that China games the system by manipulating its currency,' Sen. Sherrod Brown (D., Ohio) said in a statement Tuesday.

China in June signaled it would address U.S. concerns by beginning to allow its currency to appreciate, dropping a de facto peg to the U.S. dollar. Since then, however, the Chinese yuan has risen just 0.4%. Mr. Hormats declined to discuss yuan valuation, but said there hasn't been a lot of progress on broader issues involving intellectual-property rights and other trade concerns.

He said both countries need to avoid the 'political dangers' associated with legislation.

'What we're trying to do is convince the Chinese there are global norms,' he said.

Another key dilemma for U.S. policy makers is how to improve the flow of U.S. goods to countries with emerging economies, including China, that have weathered the recent economic storm better than their more established rivals. A key challenge, Mr. Hormats said, was convincing these countries that export-led growth isn't sustainable indefinitely.

'It's not healthy for them to continue to rely on the heavily indebted American consumer,' he said.

The Obama administration hopes to spur U.S. exports, in part, by continuing to seek trade agreements with countries such as South Korea. Mr. Hormats said such agreements can be 'enormously beneficial' to the economy and allow U.S. manufacturers to keep pace with competitors whose governments are rapidly seeking their own trade deals.

'If we sit on the sidelines, the world will pass us by,' he said.

Much uncertainty also surrounds the decision of whether to resurrect the Doha round of international trade talks. Mr. Hormats said the idea is still being discussed, but expressed concern that emerging-market countries such as Brazil, China and India are using their increased economic leverage to limit the negotiations.

'They have to put more on the table,' he said of the key to any potential talks.

美国国务院负责经济、能源与农业事务的副国务卿霍马茨(Robert Hormats)对《华尔街日报》说,艰难的经济形势、居高不下的失业率和选举年的政治形势,构造了一个容易燃起强烈政治反应的环境。中国如果不采取行动消除美国方面对汇率问题和知识产权保护的担忧,则有可能助长美国国会的保护主义倾向。


霍马茨发表这些言论后不久,奥巴马政府两位高官赶赴北京出席高层会谈,以舒缓日趋紧张的美中关系。国家经济委员会(National Economic Council)主任萨默斯(Lawrence Summers)、国家安全事务副顾问唐尼隆(Thomas Donilon)于刚刚过去的周末抵达中国,就一系列议题同中国官员举行会谈,期间很有可能谈到了汇率问题。


代表俄亥俄州的民主党参议员布朗(Sherrod Brown)上周二发表声明说,很明显,中国在通过操纵汇率玩弄游戏规则。








