
双语秀   2016-05-17 04:02   80   0  

2010-9-4 00:56

小艾摘要: New Delhi’s weightlifting stadium, which was frenziedly built for the forthcoming Commonwealth Games, resembles a bloated, mushroom-shaped storage shed with a cream-coloured corrugated tin roof.On a ...
New Delhi’s weightlifting stadium, which was frenziedly built for the forthcoming Commonwealth Games, resembles a bloated, mushroom-shaped storage shed with a cream-coloured corrugated tin roof.

On a rainy morning, workers clambered across the roof to plug leaks, while an engineer waited for permission to enter the stadium to test electrical equipment. Even with things way behind schedule, security guards spent ages debating whether to allow him in because his pass had expired.

The farcical scene was a symptom of the malaise afflicting India’s preparations to host the games, which have been dogged by allegations of corruption, mismanagement, and inadequate facilities.

While China impressed the world with the almost flawless Beijing Olympics, India’s preparations for the Commonwealth Games symbolise its difficulties rolling out high-quality infrastructure, one of the biggest threats to its economic ascent.

“It’s really exposed the sheer inefficiencies and porousness of the state,” said Swapan Dasgupta, a political commentator. “It’s a celebration of shoddiness, which seems to be one of the features of our system.”

Hopes that the games would help India jettison its image of poverty and stifling bureaucracy and project itself as an emerging superpower have already been dashed.

With international athletes due to start arriving in less than three weeks, Indian authorities are scrambling to finish 17 stadiums and the athletes’ village. They are also trying to make the capital feel less like a giant construction site, though the last-minute effort is being hampered by the heaviest monsoon rains in a decade.

Inspecting the facilities last week, Mike Fennell, the Commonwealth Games president, put on a brave face even as he expressed concern about the poor quality of the athletes’ accommodation, provisions for water and sanitation at the athletes’ village, and arrangements for ensuring hygienic food preparation.

“We don’t have any time left,” he warned. “There is a tremendous amount of detailed work that needs to be done. We need to pay attention to that and be sure that whatever else is going on, we don’t lose sight of the ball.”

New Delhi had ample notice that its hosting of the Commonwealth Games – awarded to it in 2003 at the peak of global euphoria over India as an emerging power – was in serious risk of falling far short of international expectations.

A year ago, India’s auditor-general warned about a potential “major embarrassment” as projects stalled owing to inadequate funds, delay in approvals, frequent changes in venue designs and poor co-ordination among the 21 government agencies involved.

“For the London Olympics, the buck stops with Sebastian Coe and Boris Johnson,” said Suhel Seth, a brand adviser. “In India, the buck never stops. It just keeps floating around in the system.”

Land acquisition, the bane of many Indian infrastructure and industrial problems, was another headache, which, along with lawsuits, delayed progress at several key sites, including one that authorities now admit will not be ready in time.

Allegations of corruption – another Indian scourge – have also dogged preparations. Assessing the 16 stadium improvements, the Central Vigilance Commission found agencies had “jacked up” prices while compromising on quality. It said concrete samples from some sites had failed independent basic strength tests and alleged that test records appeared to have been forged.

Indian media have had a field day reporting on accusations of inflated prices for supplies from toilet paper to medical equipment, and conflicts of interest between games organisers and companies awarded private contracts, which led to the suspension of three games officials earlier this month.

Meanwhile, equipment for some sports events is still stuck in customs. Delhi is now in the grip of a serious outbreak of dengue fever which has been blamed on the puddles and piles of rubble lying around thesites and dug-up roads – all fertile breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Security is another worry, given the terror attacks in India.

But with India’s Congress-led coalition becoming aware of the potential debacle, Sonia Gandhi, the Italian-born party leader, urged Indians last week to stop the blame game and “come together” to make the event a success. “The prestige of the nation is involved,” she said. Afterwards, New Delhi would investigate corruption and “spare no one” found to be involved.

新德里为即将召开的英联邦运动会(Commonwealth Games)疯狂赶建的举重场馆,看上去就像一个蘑菇状的充气仓库,顶着一个奶油色的瓦楞铁皮屋顶。




政治评论人士施瓦潘?达斯古普塔(Swapan Dasgupta)表示:“印度政府极其缺乏效率和漏洞百出由此暴露无遗。这场盛会宣扬了我们的虚有其表,而这似乎是印度体制的特色之一。”



上周在检查场馆时,即使忧虑重重,英联邦运动会主席麦克?芬内尔(Mike Fennell)还是摆出一副无畏的表情。他对运动员糟糕的住宿条件、运动员村饮用水供应和卫生条件、以及卫生食品供应保障方面的安排都表示出了担忧。




品牌咨询师苏赫尔?塞思(Suhel Seth)表示:“对于伦敦奥运会而言,责任止于伦敦奥组委主席塞巴斯蒂安?科(Sebastian Coe)和伦敦市长鲍里斯?约翰逊(Boris Johnson)。但在印度,责任永无止境。整个体系一直在互相推卸责任。”


印度的另一个祸端——腐败指控同样困扰着准备工作。在评估16个场馆的改进工作时,印度中央监察委员会(Central Vigilance Commission)发现,一些机构“抬高”了价格,同时却降低了质量。该委员会称,部分场馆的混凝土样本未能通过独立的基本强度测试,并指称,测试记录似乎是伪造的。



但印度国大党领导的执政联盟已经逐渐意识到运动会有可能惨遭失败,出生于意大利的国大党领导人索尼娅?甘地(Sonia Gandhi)上周号召印度人民停止指责游戏,“团结起来”确保运动会成功举办。“这涉及到民族声望,”她表示。运动会结束后,印度政府将调查腐败问题,“绝不饶恕”任何涉案人员。

