
双语秀   2016-05-17 04:02   136   0  

2010-8-31 19:53

小艾摘要: Dan HarrisChinese investments and business dealings in the United States have a way of scaring up controversy among Americans, not least because the deep-pocketed, cheap-labored Chinese are seen as si ...
Dan Harris

Chinese investments and business dealings in the United States have a way of scaring up controversy among Americans, not least because the deep-pocketed, cheap-labored Chinese are seen as significant competitive threats to American companies. But in one arena, at least, it is becoming clear that Chinese companies face unexpected hurdles of their own when they go to the U.S.: the American legal system.

Anecdotal evidence at my firm and others suggests lawsuits in the U.S. against Chinese companies are increasing. Chinese companies face certain general disadvantages that will be hard for them to overcome anytime soon. For instance, many American jurors seem to reflect broader public unease about China as an economic threat, and are more likely to assume all of its companies engage in unscrupulous business tactics and produce shoddy products. And Chinese companies face the same problems that dog any company litigating outside its home country -- unfamiliar rules and the like.

But Chinese companies are needlessly putting themselves at an even deeper disadvantage by making basic mistakes. The first is a failure to do the planning necessary to avoid lawsuits in the first place. In the U.S., companies generally view lawyers as counselors whose job includes helping their clients prevent legal problems, while also making sure the company is best positioned if a lawsuit does pop up (for instance, by helping to draft precisely worded contracts). In China, executives tend to view lawyers as technicians whose job is simply to navigate the court system when a lawsuit arises, rather than as strategic legal planners. This has been a factor in the growing area of U.S. intellectual property litigation against Chinese companies, where often a competent American lawyer would have warned the Chinese manufacturer early on of potential IP problems with a product had the company sought counsel.

Meanwhile, Chinese companies are especially prone to making big mistakes that spring from their failure to learn even basic principles about an American system that is very different from what they have at home.

For example, litigants in the U.S. are required to provide relevant documents to the opposing party during an often lengthy pre-trial discovery process. In China, litigants are not required to show their cards to each other. When an American lawyer talks about providing the opposing party with documents that might hurt the Chinese client's case, the Chinese company tends to view the lawyer as naive. If, as too often occurs, the Chinese company second-guesses its American lawyer and fails to comply fully with the discovery process, it loses important credibility with the court. In one case, a judge ordered a Chinese company to hire my firm to ensure relevant documents stored in China were disclosed during discovery; the judge evidently had lost faith in the Chinese company and its lawyers back home to follow the rules and wanted extra assurance.

Once the parties move into the courtroom, there are more differences related to strategy. Appeals in China are usually de novo, meaning that if a trial-court judge disagrees with your version of the facts, you can make another attempt to tell your side of the story at the appellate level. But in the U.S., appeals courts take as a given the trial court's findings of fact and will hear only disputes about the trial judge's interpretation of legal questions. This means that in America you rarely get more than one chance to put forth your version of the facts, so you had better do it right the first time. In China the fight often begins only once a case hits the appeals court. Twice my firm has turned down business from Chinese clients who explicitly wanted to use this strategy. Alternately, Chinese companies might simply assume they can hire lackluster but cheap attorneys for the initial trial and then invest in bigger guns to win on appeal -- leaving themselves in for a rude surprise.

Then there are the complications when a Chinese litigant loses. The American system offers far more options for forcing a defendant to pay. Companies in China are notorious for shutting down their operations one day and then starting them again a few days later under a new name to avoid paying a judgment; Chinese courts are powerless against this tactic. But in the U.S., losers in litigation who seek to hide their assets from collection regularly face severe sanctions, ranging up to criminal liability. Courts can require judgment debtors to trace every single asset to ensure nothing is hidden -- a grueling and expensive process that can result in contempt-of-court proceedings if a defendant tries to cheat.

American companies understand the importance of avoiding litigation and of mounting a strong defense when sued. Now Chinese companies need to learn America's rules of litigation and how to play by them. Failing to do so is like going into a casino and gambling on a game you do not know.

(Mr. Harris, an attorney with Harris & Moure PLLC in Seattle, Washington, blogs about Chinese law at www.ChinaLawBlog.com.)

Dan Harris









(本文作者为美国律师事务所Harris & Moure PLLC驻华盛顿州西雅图律师,在博客www.CHinaLawBlog.com撰写有关于中国法律的文章。)
