
双语秀   2016-05-17 04:01   75   0  

2010-8-31 19:43

小艾摘要: A celebrity magazine accused deported Russian spy Anna Chapman of copyright violation after she posed for a photo spread and then posted one of the shots on Facebook more than a week ahead of the spre ...
A celebrity magazine accused deported Russian spy Anna Chapman of copyright violation after she posed for a photo spread and then posted one of the shots on Facebook more than a week ahead of the spread's scheduled publication.

The photo, showing the red-haired femme fatale in a low-cut white dress seated by a window overlooking the Kremlin, marks her return from two months' seclusion following her arrest and the much-publicized U.S.-Russia spy swap. The photo, posted earlier this week, drew rave reviews from her Facebook friends and circulated widely before the flap with its owner, Zhara (Russian for Heat) magazine.

On Thursday, the photo was taken down without explanation and a new profile picture was posted on her Facebook page -- in a high-necked white dress by a lake. That photo wasn't part of the magazine spread that is due to be published Wednesday.

Zhara's editor in chief, Maxim Korshunov, said its legal complaint against Ms. Chapman, filed in a Moscow court, was proceeding because the photo was all over the Internet. Ms. Chapman didn't respond to a request to comment, and her American lawyer, Robert Baum, said he knew nothing about the photo arrangement.

Russia's spymasters have kept the 10 agents out of public view since their deportation from the U.S. in July. But Ms. Chapman is widely expected to capitalize on her celebrity. According to various Russian media reports, she has been secretly shopping for a six-figure media deal to tell how she infiltrated American society -- despite a plea bargain agreement with U.S. authorities stipulating that any money she gets from deals related to her story would go to the U.S. government.

Mr. Korshunov said Ms. Chapman had agreed to 'an exclusive interview and an exclusive photo shoot,' but said she was paid nothing for the mid-July session in a suite at a Moscow hotel that produced about 200 photos.

'There were no financial obligations to her,' he said. 'We weren't expecting to pay her anything and I got the sense she wasn't expecting anything from us.'

In the end, Ms. Chapman didn't give an interview. The editor said she told him, without elaboration, that Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service was against it.

Life News, the online version of a popular tabloid owned by the magazine's publisher, News Media-Rus, posted a short video Thursday to promote the photo spread. It showed Ms. Chapman posing in the low-cut white dress. At the end of the video, she is escorted to a black SUV by two men whose faces are blurred to avoid identification.
本名人杂志指控被驱逐出境的俄罗斯间谍查普曼(Anna Chapman)侵犯版权,此前她将所拍摄系列照片中的一张放到了Facebook上,而此时距照片计划发行的时间还有一个多星期。



《Zhara》总编库舒诺夫(Maxim Korshunov)说,他们向莫斯科一家法院提起的针对查普曼的诉讼正在处理中,因为这张照片如今在互联网上已是随处可见。查普曼没有回复置评请求,而她的美国律师保乌姆(Robert Baum)说,对于照片事宜他一无所知。




最终,查普曼没有接受采访。这位总编说,查普曼只是告诉他,俄罗斯对外情报局(Foreign Intelligence Service)反对这样做,没再说别的。

《Zhara》出版商News Media-Rus旗下一家畅销小报的网络版Life News周四发布了一个短小视频,以宣传查普曼的照片系列。查普曼在视频中身穿低领白裙,视频快结束时,她在两名男子的护送下登上一辆黑色的SUV,这两名男子的面部经过了模糊处理以免被认出。