2010-8-13 02:17
The lawyer representing a JetBlue flight attendant who allegedly unleashed expletives over an intercom at a plane full of passengers before exiting via the emergency chute offered his client's account of the incident Tuesday, saying it was preceded by two separate run-ins with a rude female passenger.
Steven Slater, 38 years old, was arraigned in Queens Supreme Court and Judge Mary O'Donoghue set his bail at $2,500. He walked into court wearing a green shirt, plaid shorts and a slight smile -- a reaction his court-appointed attorney said was prompted by the media coverage of his arrest. 'I think he can't believe the amount of attention this is getting,' Howard Turman said following the arraignment. He said his client posted bail but wasn't sure whether he'd been released. The incident, which took place shortly after noon on Monday at John F. Kennedy Airport, sparked immense interest on social networking sites. On Facebook, a 'Steven Slater Legal Defense Fund' page alone had nearly 400 members, many of whom said they would donate, as of Tuesday night. A Facebook fan page for Mr. Slater had topped 65,000 supporters. Prosecutors have charged Mr. Slater with trespassing, criminal mischief and reckless endangerment, saying his activation of the emergency chute could have been dangerous had there been anyone below on the tarmac. He could face up to seven years in prison if convicted. Mr. Turman said his client was provoked during the ordeal, and that a female passenger had been involved in two encounters with Mr. Slater during the trip from Pittsburgh. Mr. Turman's account differed from the authorities', who made no mention of problems prior to takeoff. He said the woman was verbally abusive to his client before the flight took off, and that when Mr. Slater attempted to break up a dispute between the woman and a man concerning the overhead space the woman 'slammed the overhead into [Mr. Slater's] head.' Mr. Turman said the second incident took place after the plane landed: When the woman was asked to wait to collect some of her luggage, she began swearing at Mr. Slater 'a great deal' for a second time. Authorities have not released the name of the woman, and it is unclear whether she's been interviewed as part of the investigation. JetBlue announced Tuesday that it had suspended Mr. Slater pending the outcome of the investigation. A spokesman declined to explain the terms of the suspension. The judge set a Sept. 21 date for Mr. Slater's next hearing. 一名捷蓝航空(JetBlue)的空乘员据称在一架满载乘客的飞机上对着广播系统大骂,然后滑下紧急逃生滑梯离开飞机。周二代表这名空乘员的律师提供了当事人对此事的解释,说在此之前他与一名粗鲁的女乘客发生了两次争执。
Ken Maldonado for The Wall Street Journal斯莱特的律师图尔曼说,他的代理人或许将不再为捷蓝航空工作。现年38岁的空乘员斯莱特(Steven Slater)在纽约市皇后区高等法院接受了传讯,法官奥多诺霍(Mary O'Donoghue)将他的保释金定为2,500美元。他走进法院时身穿绿色T恤、格子短裤,面带微笑──法院为他指派的律师说他有这种反应是因为媒体对他被捕一事进行了报导。 斯莱特的律师图尔曼(Howard Turman)在传讯结束后说,他觉得斯莱特想不到这件事所受到的关注度。图尔曼说,斯莱特交纳了保释金,但不确定他是否已被释放。 这起周一中午时分发生在肯尼迪机场(John F. Kennedy Airport)的事件在社交网站上引发了人们的强烈兴趣。截至周二晚,单是Facebook上一个名为“斯莱特法律辩护基金”的页面就有近400成员,其中许多人都表示他们将进行捐助。斯莱特在Facebook上的支持者页面已经有超过6.5万名支持者。 起诉方以非法侵害、刑事恶作剧、鲁莽的危险举动等罪名对斯莱特提出指控,说他启用紧急逃生滑梯的行为如果在有人停留在停机坪的情况下将会带来危险后果。如果定罪,斯莱特最高将面临七年监禁。 图尔曼说,他的当事人当时被激怒了,飞机从匹兹堡飞往纽约的过程中一名女乘客与斯莱特发生了两次争吵。 图尔曼的描述与官员们的说法有所不同,后者的描述并没有提到起飞前发生的情况。图尔曼说,这名女子在飞机起飞前对斯莱特出言不逊,而且当斯莱特试图调节这名女乘客与另一男子就行李空间引起的争吵时,她还将行李砸向斯莱特的头部。 图尔曼说第二起争执发生在飞机降落之后:当这名女子被要求等候提取部分行李时,她再次开始“狠狠”咒骂斯莱特。官员们没有公布这名女子的姓名,也不清楚她是否参与了调查。 捷蓝航空周二宣布,已对斯莱特停职,等待调查结果出炉。一位发言人拒绝说明停职的详细情况。 法官将斯莱特的下一次出庭日期定在9月21日。 |