2010-8-5 15:14
Americans are spending more on electronics like iPads and flat-screen televisions and less on durable goods like furniture, washing machines and lawn mowers, according to government data released Tuesday.
The shift reflects a change in priorities for American consumers. After pouring money into all aspects of their homes during the previous decade, consumers are redirecting their purchases to eye-grabbing technology and socking away more of what's left over into savings. Apparel company executives are worried the lure of electronics will eat into their sales as the back-to-school season gets under way. Outlays for televisions, computers, video and telephone equipment grew 1.8% in the first six months of this year, compared to the first half of pre-recession 2007, the Commerce Department said Tuesday. By comparison, spending on appliances decreased 3.6% during the same period, and spending on furniture decreased 11% during that time. Overall, consumer spending stayed flat in June from the previous month, the Commerce Department said Tuesday. Meanwhile, the U.S. savings rate ticked up to 6.4% in June from the previous month, its highest point in a year and far above its pre-recession level. The electronics boom isn't enough to improve the economy, says Chris Christopher, senior principal economist at IHS Global Insight. Consumer spending on technology accounts for about 1.2% of nominal gross domestic product, a marginal portion of economic growth. 'People have to be able to feel they can spend on big durable good items and housing, and these are not doing well,' Mr. Christopher said. 'Even if technology is growing well in retail sales, it helps, but it's nothing that's going to pull us out of this low level of GDP growth.' Still, the trend toward buying electronics, often at the expense of other goods, is leaving its mark across the economy. The manufacturing sector, which has led the economic recovery, has been especially strong in technology-related businesses. Corning Inc., for instance, last month reported its second-quarter profit rose 49% as sales increased 23%. Corning makes specialty glass used in computers and smartphones. Sony Corp, maker of the PlayStation 3 game console, recently reported a better-than-expected 3.8% increase in revenue for its fiscal first quarter. Apparel retailers say the shift is eating into their sales, too. 'Electronics has taken a huge chunk out of the average household spending budget,' said Eric Wiseman, CEO of apparel maker VF Corp., maker of JanSport backpacks and Wrangler jeans. Apparel executives say the iPhone in particular has become an ornament in its own right. 'It's a new fashion accessory, there's no doubt about it,' said Richard Dickson, CEO of branded businesses at Jones Apparel Group Inc., which includes Jones New York, Nine West and Anne Klein. Apparel retailers are using electronics to lure shoppers during the important back-to-school season, which is the second-biggest spending time period behind the holiday period. Teen retailer American Eagle Outfitters Inc. gave shoppers who tried on a pair of jeans their choice of free 'smart' phone. Macy's Inc. partnered with Microsoft to feature exclusively the new Xbox 360 Kinect system. 美国政府周二公布的数据显示,美国人用在iPad、平板电视等电子产品上的花费增加,而用于购买家具、洗衣机、割草机这类耐用品的支出则减少。
这一转变反映出美国消费者在优先性问题上的变化。在上个十年间毫不吝啬地把钱用于自己房屋的方方面面后,消费者的购买对象发生了改变,开始购买吸引眼球的科技产品,并且把结余下来的钱更多的存了起来。服装公司的管理人士担心,随着学校即将开学,电子产品的吸引力将对他们的销售产生负面影响。 Associated Press美国消费者在电子产品上的支出增加,但在家具等耐用品上的支出减少。图为加州消费者在选购电视机。美国商务部周二说,今年前六个月用于购买电视、电脑、录像机和电话的支出较衰退到来前的2007年上半年增长了1.8%。相比之下,同期家电和家具支出则分别减少3.6%和11%。 商务部还说,总体来看,6月份消费者支出较上月持平。此外,当月储蓄率从前月升至6.4%,达到一年来的最高水平,并且大大超过衰退前的水平。 IHS Global Insight高级首席经济学家克里斯托弗(Chris Christopher)说,电子产品热潮不足以使经济获得改善。消费者在科技方面的支出仅占名义国内生产总值(GDP)的约1.2%,对经济增长的贡献微乎其微。 他说,人们得要觉得他们能购买大件耐用品和买房才行,但情况并不乐观。即使科技行业有着出色的零售业绩,这虽然是件好事,但却无助于让我们摆脱GDP的低增长局面。 然而,这种以牺牲其他商品来购买电子产品的趋势却在经济的各个领域产生了影响。在引导经济复苏的制造业中,那些与科技相关的企业的表现就尤为强劲。以为电脑和智能手机生产专用玻璃的康宁公司(Corning Inc)为例,其第二季度销售额增加23%,利润也上升49%。而游戏机PlayStation 3的制造商索尼公司(Sony Corp.)最近公布的第一财季收入增幅也好于预期,达3.8%。 服装零售企业说,这一变化也损害了他们的销售。服装生产商VF Corp.的首席执行长怀斯曼(Eric Wiseman)说,电子产品占据了普通家庭开支预算的大头。VF Corp.是JanSport背包和Wrangler牛仔裤的生产商。 服装企业的高管们说,尤其是iPhone凭借自己的魅力已经成为一种装饰品。Jones Apparel Group Inc.负责品牌业务的首席执行长狄根森(Richard Dickson)说,iPhone是一种新的潮流配饰,这点勿庸置疑。这家服装公司旗下品牌包括Jones New York、Nine West和Anne Klein。 在重要的返校季节期间,服装零售商正利用电子产品来吸引购物者,这是继假日购物季后最大的购物时期。青少年服装零售商American Eagle Outfitters Inc.为每位试穿牛仔裤的顾客提供免费赢取“智能”手机的机会,梅西百货(Macy's Inc.)也与微软(Microsoft)合作,独辟蹊径地用新版Xbox 360 Kinect来促销。 |