
双语秀   2016-05-17 03:56   85   0  

2010-8-13 02:26

小艾摘要: The U.S. trade deficit with China hit its highest level in nearly two years in June and could spur congressional pressure on Beijing to revamp its currency policy.America's trade deficit with China j ...
The U.S. trade deficit with China hit its highest level in nearly two years in June and could spur congressional pressure on Beijing to revamp its currency policy.

America's trade deficit with China jumped 17% in June over the previous month to $26.2 billion, the biggest gap since October 2008. Earlier this week, China said its overall trade surplus hit $28.7 billion in July, an 18-month high.

The Commerce Department figures could set the stage for a fight in Congress this fall over China's currency policy. Some lawmakers, arguing that China has set the yuan artificially low to make its exports more price competitive on global markets, are keen to pass laws that would penalize countries that are found to be manipulating their currencies.

China, under pressure from the U.S. and other countries, announced a shift to a more-flexible exchange rate in June. But the yuan has appreciated less than 1% since then, and some economists say that it remains undervalued against the dollar by at least 25%.

While efforts to pass such legislation have made little headway, lawmakers and industry groups agree that the issue could gain traction in September, given that voters, who head to the polls in November, are angry about the country's continued weak economy and high unemployment rate.

A number of bills have garnered bipartisan support, including measures promoted by Tim Ryan (D., Ohio) and Patrick Murphy (D., Pa.) in the House, and by Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.) in the Senate.

These efforts would, among other things, make it easier for companies to seek import duties on goods from countries designated as having undervalued currencies. The Ryan-Murphy bill has more than 127 co-sponsors, including 37 Republicans.

Nadeam Elshami, a spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), said the House Ways and Means Committee would hold a hearing on the currency issue in September after Congress returns from summer recess.

'But no final decisions have been made on moving legislation forward,' he said.

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D., Ohio), a co-sponsor of the Schumer bill and a member of President Barack Obama's Export Council, wrote Mr. Obama on Aug. 4, urging the administration to take tougher measures to address 'unfairly subsidized exports' by countries such as China. Ten other senators signed the letter, including Republicans Jim Bunning of Kentucky and Olympia Snowe of Maine.

The Treasury Department on Wednesday declined to comment on the U.S.-China trade gap or China's currency policy.

Business groups are expected to intensify their lobbying on the issue, although they differ over whether punitive legislation aimed at China's currency policy is the best solution for narrowing the U.S.-China trade gap.

Augustine Tantillo, executive director of the American Manufacturing Trade Action Coalition, a Washington trade group representing U.S. manufacturers, says the group backs the Ryan-Murphy bill and is lobbying lawmakers, targeting those from Midwestern and Southeastern states with large manufacturing sectors and high unemployment.

'These trade surpluses aren't a result of happenstance,' he said. 'We're hoping concerns about job creation and the fall election environment will finally give us an opportunity to bring the legislation to a vote.'

Erin Ennis, vice president for the U.S.-China Business Council, which represents U.S. companies doing business in China, said the window for China to 'show it was serious' about addressing U.S. concerns about the yuan would close in September, when Congress returns to session.

But while Ms. Ennis expected the Chinese currency policy to be a major issue in the fall, 'this isn't our member companies' top priority,' she said.

Rather, she said that Congress and the administration should focus on reducing barriers to China's market and on the country's new 'indigenous innovation' policy, which many Western companies say unfairly favors Chinese companies by promoting domestic innovation.


Associated Press5月份广东一家工厂的生产线商务部的数据可能为国会今年秋季针对中国货币政策的战斗埋下伏笔。一些议员认为中国人为压低人民币汇率,以使中国出口商品在全球市场上更具价格竞争力,这些议员急切希望通过专门法律以制裁那些被认为操纵本币汇率的国家。



一系列相关法案已得到两党的支持,其中包括众议员莱恩(Tim Ryan)和墨菲(Patrick Murphy),以及参议员舒默(Charles Schumer)提出的法案。


美国众议院议长佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)的发言人艾尔沙密(Nadeam Elshami)说,在国会议员从夏休返回后,美国众议院筹款委员会(House Ways and Means Committee)9月份将就人民币问题举行听证会。


美国参议员布朗(Sherrod Brown)是舒默议案的共同提案人,而且是奥巴马总统所设出口委员会(Export Council)的成员,他在8月4日写信给奥巴马,敦促政府出台更严厉措施以应对中国等国家“不公平的出口补贴”。其他10位参议员在这封信上签了名,其中包括来自肯塔基州的共和党人邦宁(Jim Bunning)和来自缅因州的共和党人斯诺(Olympia Snowe)。



美国制造业贸易行动联盟(American Manufacturing Trade Action Coalition)是代表美国制造业者的行业组织,其执行董事坦蒂洛(Augustine Tantillo)说,该组织支持莱恩-墨菲议案,并在游说那些来自具有大规模制造业和失业人数较高的中西部和东南部各州的议员。


美中贸易全国委员会(U.S.-China Business Council)代表着在中国做生意的美国企业,其副总裁恩尼斯(Erin Ennis)说,中国显示其认真应对美国对人民币忧虑的窗口将于9月份关闭,因为届时国会议员们将从假期返回。

