2010-7-28 14:39
An annual scorecard on benefits shows that public employees continue to have richer benefits than their private-sector counterparts, but squeezed state and local budgets could push governments to start cutting back.
As of March, 88% of state and local government workers had access to employer-sponsored medical plans, compared with 71% of private-sector workers, according to a Labor Department report released Tuesday. Governments also picked up a larger share of the health-care tab. Public employers paid 89% of the premiums for policies covering individual workers as of March, compared with 80% at private-sector companies. The more generous benefits given to government workers are part of a larger trade-off, according to economists. Unable to match private-sector salaries for their most valued workers, governments instead offer more-attractive benefits packages. Meanwhile, nine out of 10 government employees had retirement plans available to them, compared with 65% of private-sector workers. And 95% of government workers participated in the provided retirement plans, while 76% in the private sector did . Governments' richer benefits packages extend to low-wage workers much more often than in the private sector. In the public sector, 69% of workers who earned in the lowest quarter of wages were eligible for medical benefits, compared with just 38% in the private sector. Low-wage government workers also benefited from employers picking up 89% of the tab for their individual policies, the same share as the highest-paid employees. Private-sector employers paid 77% of the premium for low-wage workers, less than the 82% they chipped in for their highest-paid workers. Low-wage public-sector workers also had better access to retirement plans: 74% were eligible, compared with 40% in the private sector. 美国一份有关员工福利的年度报告显示,公务员的福利水平仍旧高于私营部门员工。但由于预算紧张,州政府和地方政府可能不得不开始削减福利。
美国劳工部周二发布的报告显示,截至3月份,88%的州政府和地方政府雇员可享有雇主资助的医保计划,私营部门的这个比例则为71%。 政府对医保计划的出资份额也比私营部门更高。截至3月份,公共部门雇主为员工个人的医保计划支付了89%的保费,私营企业支付的比例则为80%。 经济学家说,政府给员工的福利更为慷慨,是出于一种综合考虑。政府为其最宝贵的员工提供的薪水赶不上私营部门,于是就代之以给出更具吸引力的一揽子福利。 与此同时,政府雇员中有90%都可享受退休计划,私营部门员工这个比例是65%。另外,95%符合条件的政府雇员实际参与了雇主提供的退休计划,私营部门员工这个比例是76%。 政府福利对低收入员工的覆盖远高于私营部门。在公共部门收入最低的四分之一员工当中,有69%的人可享受医保福利,私营部门当中只有38%。 另外,政府为低薪雇员的个人医保提供89%的保费,和高收入雇员一样。私营部门雇主为低薪员工支付77%的保费,而为收入最高的一批员支付82%的保费。 公共部门低薪员工享受退休计划的机会也更高,他们当中74%的人有资格享受,而私营部门低薪员工仅有40%符合条件。 |