2010-8-4 02:27
Britain is to ban employers looking for lap dancers, strippers, topless barmaids or sexy web-cam performers from placing adverts at Jobcentres.
Such a ban had previously been in place at the taxpayer-funded employment exchanges but that changed seven years ago when Ann Summers, a sex toys and suggestive lingerie retailer, successfully argued at the High Court that it was unlawful. Now the government plans to legislate to protect vulnerable jobseekers who are keen to get back to work from feeling they have to consider jobs that they are not comfortable with, Minister for Employment Chris Grayling said in a statement. "We shouldn't put vulnerable people in an environment where they're exposed to these types of jobs and could feel under pressure to work in the sex industry." The statement specified that Jobcentres would no longer advertise jobs "that involve the direct sexual stimulation of others" because public money should not be a conduit to such work. However, Jobcentres will continue to advertise other types of vacancies in the adult entertainment sector, such as cleaning jobs in striptease clubs. (Read by Lee Hannon. Lee Hannon is a journalist at the China Daily Web site.) 点击查看更多双语新闻 (Agencies) 日前,英国政府宣布将禁止在就业服务中心发布招聘大腿舞舞女、脱衣舞女、裸胸酒吧女招待或性感视频女郎的广告。
此前英国曾在政府职介中心颁发过类似规定,但七年前性玩具和情趣内衣零售商安?萨默斯在高级法院成功辩护称该规定违法,此后该禁令被废止。 日前,英国就业部长克里斯?葛瑞林在一份声明中称,现在政府计划立法保护那些希望重返职场的弱势求职者,让他们免受涉性招聘广告的干扰,觉得自己不得不考虑去做那些自己并不愿意做的工作。 “弱势求职者接触到此类招聘广告,会感受到不得不去从事此类工作的压力。我们不应该将他们置于这种环境。” 声明明确规定就业服务中心今后不得发布“赤裸裸的涉性”招聘广告,“因为公共资金不应该花在这上面。” 但成人娱乐场所的其它职位招聘广告仍可以在就业服务中心发布,例如脱衣舞俱乐部招聘清洁工。 相关阅读 《花花公子》推无裸网站 上班也能看 英女科学家自曝应召女身份 英青少年发“性短信”渐成风 调查:五分之一英国人曾错发色情短信 美国首现合法男妓服务 美宇航局禁止太空性行为 阿姆斯特丹将为红灯区妓女开设银行服务 伦敦市政府电话扫黄 奥运前打击色情业 (小艾网英语点津 Julie 编辑蔡姗姗) |