
双语秀   2016-05-17 03:56   80   0  

2010-7-28 14:36

小艾摘要: BP PLC Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg has survived the disaster that claimed his company's chief executive, Tony Hayward. Now the question is whether his luck can hold out.Mr. Svanberg said Tuesday th ...
BP PLC Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg has survived the disaster that claimed his company's chief executive, Tony Hayward. Now the question is whether his luck can hold out.

Mr. Svanberg said Tuesday that he had never considered resigning. 'The board have repeatedly and explicitly told me to stay on,' he told a reporter at a London news conference who asked if he should have stepped down instead of Mr. Hayward.

But his performance during the Deepwater Horizon crisis has been widely perceived as lackluster. His expression of sympathy for the 'small people' on the Gulf Coast last month added to BP's public-relations woes. Some shareholders say Mr. Svanberg, a former Swedish telecom executive, kept a notably low profile in the early weeks of the disaster, and that he didn't express enough support for Mr. Hayward at crucial junctures.

That has led some analysts to conclude his long-term tenure as chairman isn't assured. Some observers say there is at least one potential successor on the BP board -- Paul Anderson, the former chief executive of BHP Billiton PLC.

In an interview, Mr. Svanberg said that his early absence from the scene was at Mr. Hayward's request and with the agreement of the board, because he was relatively new to BP and the oil industry. He took over as chairman at the start of 2010.

Once criticism of his low profile began to grow, he changed tack, giving television interviews and meeting with spooked investors to reassure them of BP's financial health, at a time when fears about the mounting costs of the oil-spill cleanup had caused BP's share price to tank.

In those meetings Mr. Svanberg says he argued that keeping out of the spotlight had enabled him to have a productive meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama, while Mr. Hayward was already persona non grata.

That meeting, at which BP agreed to set up a $20 billion escrow account for compensating victims of the spill, did much to relieve pressure on the company from federal authorities, which had been at boiling point.

A former chief of Telefon AB LM Ericsson noted for his commitment to green causes, Mr. Svanberg's selection as chairman in 2009 was a surprise to many. He says he now knows more about BP and the oil industry than he might have learned in four or five years under normal circumstances.
英国石油公司(BP PLC) 首席执行长唐熙华(Tony Hayward)因漏油事件而下台,该公司董事长思文凯(Carl-Henric Svanberg)则躲过一劫。现在,他的好运能否继续也成了一个问题。



这让部分分析师断定他宝座不稳,或许无法长期担任董事长一职。部分观察人士说英国石油公司董事会中至少有一人有可能继承这个座位,即必和必拓公司(BHP Billiton PLC)前首席执行长安德森(Paul Anderson)。



思文凯说,他在会面中表示,避开外界的关注使其能够与美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)进行富有成效的会谈,因为当时唐熙华已经成为不受欢迎之人。


思文凯曾担任爱立信公司(Telefon AB LM Ericsson)的首席执行长,并以致力于环保事业著称。2009年,英国石油公司选择他担任公司董事长,这让许多人感到意外。他说,他现在对英国石油公司及石油行业的了解比在正常情况下四、五年学到的还多。