
双语秀   2016-05-17 03:54   83   0  

2010-7-23 21:32

小艾摘要: While the U.S. and China seem to have by and large reached a compromise over naval operations in the Western Pacific, American military leaders remain concerned about China's buildup.'I have moved f ...
While the U.S. and China seem to have by and large reached a compromise over naval operations in the Western Pacific, American military leaders remain concerned about China's buildup.

'I have moved from being curious about what (the Chinese) are doing to being concerned about what they are doing,' Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told troops at a town hall meeting in South Korea Wednesday.

Mullen said the military is concerned that it doesn't have a clear picture of China's intentions. The country suspended military-to-military relations with the U.S. earlier this year after the U.S. said it would sell $6.4 billion worth of weapons to Taiwan.

The comments on Wednesday came on the same day Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced a new round of sanctions against North Korea.

'It is the transparency piece with respect to China that is probably most vexing, because it is difficult to figure out where they are headed,' Mullen said. 'I'd like to have a conversation to see where they are going, and right now I can't do that.'

He added that the U.S. has noticed China's shift in building up air and naval forces, and moving away from traditional ground forces. China's air force is known to be rapidly modernizing, and its navy has become more assertive, operating far from China's shores. A recent Foreign Policy article said the country had successfully tested using missiles to destroy satellites, which many experts have described as a sign of its growing technological capabilities.

The source of the most recent tension between the militaries spurred from planned U.S.-South Korea joint naval exercises in the Yellow Sea, which China opposed, arguing the drills would take place too close to its shores. In an apparent conciliatory move to China, the U.S. said recently that at least some the planned exercises would take place in the Sea of Japan instead, further from China's coast.

It remains to be seen whether this compromise will precipitate a warming of military relations, but Mullen's comments suggest that concerns for the U.S. about China's military run deeper than a single incident.

Associated Press美军参谋长联席会议主席马伦对中国的军力增强表示担忧周三,美军参谋长联席会议(Joint Chiefs of Staff)主席马伦(Mike Mullen)在韩国举行的士兵见面会上说,我原先对中国的所作所为只是好奇,但现在已经变为担心。


同样在周三,美国国务卿克林顿(Hillary Clinton)宣布对朝鲜实施新一轮制裁。


他又说,美国注意到中国正逐步加强空军和海军的力量,逐渐减少对传统地面力量的依赖。外界都知道中国空军正在迅速进行现代化,中国海军也已变得更加自信,能在远离中国海岸的地区展开军事行动。美国《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)杂志近期刊登的文章称,中国用导弹摧毁卫星的试验已经成功。许多专家将这视为中国技术能力增强的信号。

