2010-7-8 23:51
British schoolboy Kyle Kane has been crowned the world's strongest 12-year-old after lifting a 22-stone weight at a junior bodybuilding event.
The youngster smashed the previous record by over five stone after he hoisted a 308lb weight in one clean lift. At 5ft 7ins and 10.5 stone he is already twice the size of most boys his age and has muscles to rival that of most men. The Coventry schoolboy broke the record for his age during a charity bodybuilding event at the Standard Triumph Club in his hometown on Sunday. Prior to his attempt, the World Association of Benchers and Dead Lifters World Record dead lift for a 12-year-old was 236lb, set by an American youngster. Nicknamed Little Arnie after musclemen Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kyle now trains in the gym four times a week and can shift 600lb (272kg) with his legs, 309lb (140kg) deadweight and bench-press 200lb (90kg). He started kickboxing when he was four-years-old and became a black belt by the age of nine. He began weightlifting when he was 10. When he is not training, Kyle enjoys playing with his school friends at Grace Academy where his favourite subjects are History and PE. Kyle said he hopes one day to become an Olympic weightlifter and bring gold back to Britain. He said: "I just want to be as muscley as I can be. "Hopefully one day I can train in the Olympics or compete in the World's Strongest Man but failing that I'd like to be a professional bodybuilder like my dad. "People may think I've been pushed into weightlifting, but I wouldn't do anything I didn't want to do, I do this because I love it. (Read by Lee Hannon. Lee Hannon is a journalist at the China Daily Web site.) 点击查看更多双语新闻 (Agencies) 英国一个名叫凯尔?凯恩的12岁男孩在一次青少年健身活动中举起22英石(140公斤)的重量,被称为“世界最强壮的12岁男孩”。
凯尔在此次活动中一次举起了308磅的重量,超过此前纪录保持者5英石。 凯尔身高5英尺7英寸(170厘米),体重10.5英石(67.2公斤),是大多数同龄男孩体型的两倍,而且他的肌肉和大多数成年男子一样发达。 这个来自考文垂的男孩于上周日在其家乡“标准胜利俱乐部”举行的一次慈善健身活动中一举打破了12岁年龄组的举重纪录。 在凯尔之前,世界举重和硬举协会12岁年龄组的硬举纪录是由一个美国男孩创下的236磅。 凯尔因为有着和(美国加州州长)阿诺德?施瓦辛格一样发达的肌肉,被人们称为“小阿尼”。凯尔现在一周在健身房训练四次,他可以用腿挪动600磅的重物,能够举起309磅(140公斤)的重量,并能卧推200磅(90公斤)的重量。 凯尔四岁时开始练跆拳道,在九岁前就成为黑带级(译者注:即高段)选手,并在十岁时开始举重。 在不训练时,凯尔喜欢和格雷斯学院的同学们一起玩耍,他在学校里最喜欢的课程是历史和体育。 凯尔说他希望自己有一天能参加奥运会,为英国夺金牌争光。 他说:“我只是希望能把肌肉练得发达一些“。 “希望有朝一日我能参加奥运会或者参加“世界最强壮男人”评选比赛,如果这些都无法实现,我想像我爸爸一样成为一名职业健美运动者。 “人们也许认为我是被迫去练习举重的,其实我不会做任何我不想做的事,我做这件事是因为我喜欢。” 相关阅读 美13岁男孩挑战珠峰 有望成年龄最小登顶者 全球男人最理想的伴侣 加女星居首 17岁美国少年成孤身环球航海最年轻的人 科学家:屎壳郎为世上力量最大的昆虫 “世界最好工作”得主携女友赴澳走马上任 欧洲饮酒调查:英国人酒量最大 世界头发最长老汉去世 生前蓄发6.8米 (小艾网英语点津 陈丹妮 编辑蔡姗姗) |