
双语秀   2016-05-17 03:50   78   0  

2010-7-5 01:41

小艾摘要: The alleged Russian secret agent who posed as a Canadian entrepreneur named Donald Heathfield claimed a former Clinton administration national security official was an adviser to his company.A 2008 ve ...
The alleged Russian secret agent who posed as a Canadian entrepreneur named Donald Heathfield claimed a former Clinton administration national security official was an adviser to his company.

A 2008 version of the website for Mr. Heathfield's company, Future Map, lists Leon Fuerth, former Vice President Al Gore's top national security aide, as an adviser.

A federal criminal complaint by the U.S. Attorney's office in Manhattan filed Monday charged 11 people, including Mr. Heathfield with being Russian secret agents, sent to the U.S. to infiltrate policy-making circles and help the Russian spy agency SVR cultivate intelligence targets.

In a 2005 message to his alleged spymaster handlers in Moscow, Mr. Heathfield reported that he had 'established contact' with a 'former high-ranking U.S. national security official,' prosecutors said in their complaint. The official is unnamed in the complaint.

The complaint doesn't allege that the former national security adviser was aware of efforts by SVR to connect with him.

The criminal complaint against Mr. Heathfield notes that SVR handlers told him to keep his cover cautiously, suggesting the official was an unwitting target.

Officials familiar with the matter said that most of the people targeted were similarly unaware of they were being used as sources for Russian intelligence.

The Justice Department in Washington declined to comment. Mr. Fuerth, now a professor at George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs, didn't respond to calls seeking comment.

Mr. Heathfield and the woman the FBI alleges was posing as his wife, Tracey Lee Ann Foley, who worked as a real estate agent, lived in Cambridge, Mass. blocks from the Harvard University campus.

Mr. Heathfield listed himself as chief executive of the four-year old company Future Map on his Linked-in professional networking page. He described the company as developing software to help predict the future.
Constance Flavell Pratt/Associated Press这张法庭素描画显示,福利(左)和她的丈夫希思菲尔德(左三)与他们的辩护律师(左二)一起出席了周四的保释听证会。
被控充当俄罗斯间谍的希思菲尔德(Donald Heathfield)假称自己是加拿大商人,他说一名曾在克林顿政府担任国家安全官员的人是他公司的顾问。

希思菲尔德旗下公司Future Map的2008年版网站上标明,美国前副总统戈尔(Al Gore)的首席国家安全助理富尔思(Leon Fuerth)是该公司顾问。






美国司法部拒绝发表评论。目前是乔治华盛顿大学艾利尔特国际事物学院(George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs)教授的富尔思没有回应要求置评的电话。

希思菲尔德和美国联邦调查局(FBI)称假扮他妻子的福利(Tracey Lee Ann Foley)生活在马萨诸塞州剑桥,距哈佛大学只有几个街区。福利是一名房地产中介。

希思菲尔德在社交网站Linked-in的其个人主页上写到,他是已经营四年企业Future Map的首席执行长,他说该公司从事开发帮助预测未来的软件。