2010-7-8 23:59
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's security detail lost four high-powered semi-automatic guns over the weekend when its luggage was rerouted across the U.S., only to resurface without the weapons.
Members of the prime minister's security team flew on Israeli airline El Al Sunday into John F. Kennedy airport in New York, in advance of Mr. Netanyahu's visit with President Barack Obama, according to officials with knowledge of the incident. After passing through customs, the Israeli security officers checked two hard carrying cases -- one containing four .40-caliber Glock handguns and the other containing three Glocks -- before boarding an American Airlines flight to Washington, the officials said. The officials said Transportation Security Administration agents made sure the security officers had permits for the weapons and affixed stickers to the cases indicating clearance for the guns and their transport. The TSA agents then forwarded the cases to American Airlines baggage handlers to be loaded onto the plane, according to the officials. The security officers arrived in Washington Sunday evening, but the case with the four guns didn't, the officials said. American Airlines personnel found the case, with its Washington destination tag still on it, at a Los Angeles Airport terminal at around 4 p.m. on Tuesday in L.A., about two hours after Messrs. Obama and Netanyahu met at the White House to discuss U.S.-Israel relations. The locked case -- which wasn't checked by the American personnel who found it in L.A. to see if it still had the weapons -- was put on an American flight to Chicago and then to Washington, the officials said. When the security officers opened the case, they discovered that the four Glocks were missing, the officials said. Investigators with the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey police, the lead investigative agency in the incident, reviewed security videotape that confirmed the TSA agents processed the cases at JFK Airport and passed them on to baggage handlers working for American. An official with knowledge of the incident said the investigation at this point is focused on employees of American and the baggage handlers it contracts. American spokesman Tim Wagner declined to comment on what he called 'a potential security incident.' The TSA declined to comment, citing an ongoing investigation. Officials at the Israeli Embassy in Washington deferred comment to U.S. law-enforcement agencies investigating the incident and to American. A spokesman for the Port Authority police declined to comment. 周末,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)的警卫队在美国丢失了四支高性能半自动手枪。他们的行李在美国境内改变了托运路线,但再出现时武器却不见了。
了解这一事件的官员说,在内塔尼亚胡与美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)会面前,这些警卫队成员于周日先行乘坐以色列航空公司(El Al)客机飞抵纽约肯尼迪机场。通过海关之后,以色列安全人员检查了两个硬手提箱──一个箱子中装有四支.40口径的格洛克(Glock)手枪,另一个箱子中装有三支这种手枪。然后,他们登上了美国航空公司(American Airlines)的客机前往华盛顿。 上述官员说,美国运输安全管理局(Transportation Security Administration)的人员确认这些安全人员得到了托运武器的许可并在箱子上贴上了标签以示批准了这些枪支的托运。然后他们把这些箱子交给了美国航空公司的行李托运人员以将其装上飞机。 官员说,这些安全人员于周日晚抵达华盛顿,但装有四支手枪的箱子却未随机抵达。周二下午四点左右,美国航空公司的人员在洛杉矶机场找到了这个箱子,箱子上还贴着目的地是华盛顿的标签。而在两个小时以前,奥巴马与内塔尼亚胡已经在白宫会面讨论了美以关系。 官员说,美国航空公司的人员在洛杉矶发现这个锁着的箱子时未检查箱子中是否还有枪支,便把它放上了美国航空公司的班机。箱子经芝加哥飞抵华盛顿。当安全人员打开箱子时,他们发现四支格洛克手枪不见了。 此次事件的主要调查机构──纽约及新泽西警方港务局的调查人员查看了保安录像。录像证实运输安全管理局的人员在肯尼迪机场处理了这个箱子并把它交给了为美国航空公司工作的行李托运人员。 了解此次事件的官员说,此刻调查的焦点主要放在接触这个箱子的美国航空公司的员工及行李托运人员身上。 美国航空公司发言人瓦格纳(Tim Wagner)称此事是一起潜在的安全事件,并拒绝发表评论。运输安全管理局以正在调查为由拒绝置评。以色列驻华盛顿大使馆的官员尊重调查此事的美国执法机构及美国航空公司的意见。港务局发言人拒绝置评。 |