
双语秀   2016-05-17 03:47   93   0  

2010-6-23 01:35

小艾摘要: President Barack Obama, badly in need of good news, got some over the weekend from the most unlikely of sources: China, which said it would allow the value of its currency to rise, thereby answering t ...
President Barack Obama, badly in need of good news, got some over the weekend from the most unlikely of sources: China, which said it would allow the value of its currency to rise, thereby answering the single most fervent prayer U.S. officials utter when seeking divine intervention to help with America's big trade deficit.

In fact, this is the second time in a month that American prayers have been answered in Beijing. The first came when the Chinese agreed to a United Nations Security Council resolution imposing economic sanctions on Iran, then stuck to that agreement despite a diplomatic volley from Tehran designed to coax the Chinese into backing down.

Let's not get misty-eyed about a new age of Sino-American cooperation here. The Chinese moved on their currency as much for their own inflation-fighting self-interest as out of any concern for U.S. wishes, and they are moving slowly in any case. And one can argue that the Chinese did the minimum necessary, and belatedly, on Iran sanctions.

Still, the two moves show that the U.S.-Chinese relationship has a healthier glow than it did just a few months ago, when the two nations were arguing about global warming, a visit by the Dalai Lama to the White House and American arms sales to Taiwan.

More importantly, the steps suggest a certain maturing of China's view of its role in global affairs -- and a more deft touch by the Obama administration in coaxing China into playing that role responsibly.

'In both cases there was a perception the Chinese had that they were in the danger of being isolated internationally,' says Charles Freeman, a China watcher at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. 'In both cases you can look at their moves as things the Chinese wanted to do in order not to be seen as troublemakers internationally.'

The first thing to note here is that the Chinese actually cared that they not be isolated, or be seen as troublemakers. That wasn't always the case in years gone by.

Now, these recent events provide more evidence that China is slowly but steadily coming to see itself as a partner in world affairs, not just an observer and critic of them. As Mr. Freeman notes: 'They are feeling both the joys of having achieved a certain global status, as well as the pressures.'

A few years ago, the Chinese acted as if they could have the former, and not worry about the latter.

In the case of the currency revaluation, that meant the Chinese didn't want to be the subject of pressure and tongue-lashings at the summit meeting of the Group of 20 major economies later this week. With China's artificially low currency widely seen as favoring its exports at the expense of economic recovery in the rest of the industrialized world, that was certainly going to be the case.

In that environment, the U.S. appears to have done two things right.

Mr. Obama, in a conversation with Chinese leader Hu Jintao, both assured him that China was headed for G-20 trouble, and used the threat of protectionist legislation from Congress, to underscore Beijing's political problems.

Then Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner gave China breathing space to act by delaying an April report that would have branded the Chinese as currency manipulators -- a report that likely would have produced an unhelpful nationalistic backlash.

Now Mr. Obama moves on to two more challenges. The first is to return the favor to the Chinese by cooling off a drive in Congress to impose trade penalties on China. Sen. Charles Schumer of New York, in particular, has been pushing such legislation, and already has signaled he'll continue to do so because the rise in the value of the Chinese yuan may be too gradual.

Yet it shouldn't be too hard for the president to deflect congressional action. Mr. Schumer knows by now that his role is to be the bad cop keeping up pressure on Beijing, while the White House gets to play the good cop. No reason to think that will change now. But the odds that legislation will actually pass just went way down.

The second challenge lies in North Korea. Exactly a year ago, China cooperated in passing economic sanctions on its friends in North Korea because of their nuclear-weapons program. But backsliding is underway. The Chinese refuse to blame North Korea for sinking a South Korea military vessel in March, and Beijing recently dis-invited Defense Secretary Robert Gates from visiting.

Meanwhile, a North Korean border guard shot three Chinese residents dead recently, in an incident that has Beijing fuming.

Maybe that also will be a wake-up call to China that, having been a stand-up player on Iran and economics, it should follow suit on North Korea.
Reuters中国央行行长周小川在本月的一次G20会议上。急需好消息的美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)周末从最不大可能的地方得到了一些:中国说将允许其货币升值,从而回应了美国官员们在乞求神助以解决美国巨额贸易逆差时最热诚的一句祈祷。





战略与国际问题研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)的中国观察家弗里曼(Charles Freeman)说,这两件事都使人感觉到,中国担心自己处于被国际孤立的危险之中,中国人想这么做是为了不被国际社会看作是惹是生非之人。







然后,美国财政部长盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)推迟了将把中国定名为汇率操纵国的4月报告。这份报告很可能于事无补,并在中国激起反对美国的民族主义情绪。

现在,奥巴马又面临着另外两项挑战。第一项是给国会向中国施加贸易惩罚措施的热情降降温,从而还中国一个人情。代表纽约州的参议员舒默(Charles Schumer)尤其热衷推动这项法案,并表示将继续推动该法案,理由是人民币升值的速度或许过慢。


第二项挑战与朝鲜有关。就在一年前,在中国的合作下,因朝鲜发展核计划而对其进行经济制裁的决议得以通过。但中国故态复萌。它拒绝就3月份韩国军舰沉没事件而指责朝鲜,并于近期取消了对美国国防部长盖茨(Robert Gates)访华的邀请。

