
双语秀   2016-05-17 03:47   82   0  

2010-6-23 01:32

小艾摘要: The U.S. plans to press its economic partners at a summit to move cautiously with plans to tighten their fiscal policies while the global economic recovery remains uncertain, for fear of producing a ...
The U.S. plans to press its economic partners at a summit to move cautiously with plans to tighten their fiscal policies while the global economic recovery remains uncertain, for fear of producing a 'Hoover moment.'

President Barack Obama, worried the fragile world economy could slip back into recession-as it did in the 1930s during the Hoover administration- plans to urge his counterparts at this weekend's Group of 20 meeting to continue some level of stimulative spending, among other policies, as a way of sustaining economic growth. But at precisely the same time, politicians around the world are starting to embrace a newfound desire for fiscal austerity.

European leaders are more cautious about spending, chastened by the example of Greece, where investor confidence was shattered by mounting debt and the possibility of a default, prompting a nearly $1 trillion rescue fund.

In China, officials worry that continued stimulus could create unsustainable asset bubbles. Indeed, one reason China may have pledged Saturday to allow the value of its currency some flexibility is to resist inflation by making imports less costly, economists speculate.

China's announced plan to loosen the tether between its currency and the dollar removed what would have been a sore point from the G-20 agenda, paving the way for tensions over fiscal policy, along with weak domestic demand and large trade surpluses in Germany and Japan, to become a bigger theme at the meeting in Toronto.

Canada, whose weight in the G-20 is magnified this year because it hosts the summit, is pressing for deficit reduction, urging its peers to halve their deficits by 2013. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty says he will be push for concrete debt and deficit reduction targets during the Toronto meeting.

A tilt toward austerity is under way in Japan too, which has run up giant debts over the past two decades to shake the country out of its economic doldrums. Prime minister Naoto Kan, who took office June 8, wants to double the country's broad sales tax from the current 5% within several years and cap next year's national budget at this year's level.

'Fiscal policy which relies excessively on deficit bond issuance is no longer sustainable,' he said in his inaugural speech, citing the example of Greece.

A senior Obama administration official said there was only the appearance of division among the leaders. The official said G-20 industrialized and developing countries were acting in roughly the same fashion-easing gently off government spending while trying to convince markets and their electorates they will bring down deficits over the coming three to five years.

The pace of government spending is vital for the global economy, which is recovering modestly from the deep downturn. The debate expected this weekend: What is the biggest threat to growth, diminished demand or escalating debt?

'The No. 1 topic of conversation [at the G-20] will be how quickly should fiscal stimulus be withdrawn,' said Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff. a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund. 'The U.S. is at one extreme [pushing growth] while the rest of the world is much more anxious.'

Reuters美国财长盖特纳美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)担心依然脆弱的世界经济有可能重新陷入衰退,就像美国上世纪30年代胡佛总统当政时的情况那样,因此他计划在本周末举行的20国集团峰会上敦促其他与会国领导人,要继续将经济刺激支出维持在某种水平上,并伴之以其他政策,以保持经济的持续增长。然而此时此刻,世界各国的政治家们正开始新生出紧缩财政的意愿。




加拿大由于是此次峰会的主办国,因此它在20国集团内的份量得以放大,它将敦促各国削减财政赤字,在2013年之前将财政赤字削减一半。加拿大财政部长费海提(Jim Flaherty)说,在会上他将敦促各国制定具体的债务和财政赤字削减目标。

日本也正倾向于紧缩财政,过去二十年中为摆脱经济停滞,日本已背负了巨额债务。今年6月8日刚刚就任的日本首相菅直人(Naoto Kan)希望,能在几年内将日本目前为5%的销售税税率上调一倍,并把明年的全国预算额控制在今年的水平。




哈佛大学的经济学家罗格夫(Kenneth Rogoff)说,此次峰会的头号议题将是财政刺激措施应该以多快的速度撤出。曾担任国际货币基金组织(IMF)首席经济学家的罗格夫说,美国在推动经济增长方面最积极,而世界其他国家对刺激经济的做法则担忧得多。