2010-6-18 00:51
North Korea's ambassador to the United Nations said the U.S. and South Korea benefited politically from the sinking in March of a South Korean warship, but he stopped short of saying that either country deliberately attacked the ship.
Ambassador Sin Son Ho told a rare news conference that the U.S. persuaded Japan to keep a controversial U.S. base in Okinawa after the incident and that the release of South Korea's own investigation into the attack was timed for the beginning of South Korean elections. Sin said the U.S. and South Korea were conducting war games in a disputed area of the Yellow Sea on March 26, and that it would have been impossible for a North Korean submarine to enter the region given the detection abilities of both nations. The North Korean ambassador wouldn't say whether the sinking of the Cheonan warship was intentional or the result of an accident. 'I am not here to blame anyone, but to clarify what happened,' he said. South Korea said in a report released on May 20 that the incident, which killed 46 South Korean sailors, was a deliberate attack by Pyongyang. Both North and South Korea on Monday briefed the U.N. Security Council in consecutive closed-door meetings. The 15-member body reached no decisions about the evidence presented, and it will continue to consult on the incident, said council president Claude Heller of Mexico. Sin on Tuesday insisted that North Korea be allowed to conduct its own investigation of the site, a request so far refused by the South. U.S. officials couldn't be immediately reached for comment. Sin said that blaming North Korea caused the Japanese government to reverse a decision to ask the U.S. base on Okinawa to leave. The Japanese government collapsed after allowing the U.S. to stay. 'The U.S. most benefited from the sinking,' Sin said. Washington also wanted to delay a planned turnover of operational military command to South Korea in 2012, he said. 'The U.S. killed two birds with one stone,' he said. The incident also had the effect of driving foreign investment away from the North, Sin added. 'The U.S. wants to degrade our economy.' The North Korean envoy contested the independence of the South Korean inquiry into the incident. The investigating panel had representatives from South Korea, the U.K., Sweden, Australia, Canada and the U.S. But Sin called it a 'unilateral' inquiry that was 'completely fabricated from A to Z ... for political results ... both domestic and foreign.' Sin said the South Korean report was timed for release four days before a May 24 and 25 visit by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Beijing for the U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue. He called it a 'foolish attempt to drive a wedge' between North Korea and one of its few allies, China. Chinese officials have refused to blame Pyongyang for the sinking. 朝鲜常驻联合国代表说,韩国军舰“天安号”3月份沉没的事件,让美国和韩国获得了政治上的好处。但他没有说是美国或韩国蓄意击沉了这艘舰艇。
朝鲜常驻联合国代表申善浩(Sin Son Ho)在一次少见的新闻发布会上说,在天安号事件后,美国说服日本让一处有争议的美军基地留在了冲绳岛,而韩国发布自己的调查结果,时间正好安排在韩国选举开始进行之际。 申善浩说,3月26日,美国和韩国正在黄海一处有争议的水域举行作战演习,考虑到两国的侦察能力,朝鲜军舰要进入这个地区是不可能的。 申善浩没有说天安号的沉没是有意还是意外。他说,我在这里不是为了指责任何人,而是为了澄清事实。 韩国方面在5月20日发布报告说,这起导致韩国46名海军官兵丧生的事件是平壤方面的一次蓄意袭击。 在周一连续进行的闭门会议中,朝鲜和韩国分别向联合国安全理事会(Security Council)做了通报。安理会轮值主席、来自墨西哥的海勒(Claude Heller)说,15个理事国没有对两国呈报的证据达成任何决定,将继续就事件进行磋商。 申善浩周二坚持说,应当允许朝鲜自己对现场进行调查。这一要求目前为止不为韩国同意。 记者暂时未能联系到美方官员置评。 申善浩说,把事件归咎于朝鲜,促使日本政府撤回了要求搬迁前述美军驻冲绳基地的决定。在允许美军继续驻扎过后,日本政府瓦解。 申善浩说,美国从沉船事件中获益最多。他说,华盛顿还希望推迟一项2012年轮替驻韩作战司令的计划。 申善浩说,美国达到了“一石二鸟”的效果。他说,这起事件还起到了把外资赶出朝鲜的效果,美国希望拖垮我们的经济。 申善浩还质疑韩国对这起事件的调查是否独立。调查委员会包括来自韩国、英国、瑞典、澳大利亚、加拿大和美国的代表,但申善浩称之为“单方面”的调查,从头到脚全属捏造,为的是造成国内外的政治效果。 申善浩说,韩国发布报告的时机,就在美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)于5月24日到25日在北京参加中美战略与经济对话四天前。他说这是挑拨中朝关系的愚蠢企图。中国是朝鲜为数不多的几个盟友之一,中方官员曾拒绝把沉船事件归咎于朝鲜。 |