
双语秀   2016-05-17 03:45   96   0  

2010-6-9 23:46

小艾摘要: Short of war, how do you punish a state that has nothing? That is the dilemma facing South Korea and its allies in dealing with North Korea in the aftermath of the alleged attack on the Cheonan, a Sou ...
Short of war, how do you punish a state that has nothing? That is the dilemma facing South Korea and its allies in dealing with North Korea in the aftermath of the alleged attack on the Cheonan, a South Korean warship, with the loss of 46 lives.

Lee Myung-bak, South Korea's president, is taking a hard rhetorical line, saying that, unlike in the past when North Korean attacks went unpunished, this time Pyongyang must be held accountable.

In his first international speech since the official report on the March incident, Mr Lee told a weekend gathering of defence officials at the IISS Asia Security Summit in Singapore: “If we once again tolerate North Korea's blatant act of violence, then I believe that will not promote, but endanger, the peace and stability of the Korean peninsula.”

He called for a “grand bargain”, in which Pyongyang would give up its nuclear programme in return for security guarantees and economic aid.

Yet, South Korea's options to bring about that outcome are limited.

Mr Lee has ruled out, for the moment at least, a military response, partly in recognition of Pyongyang's ability to inflict huge damage on Seoul, which lies within easy striking distance of North Korean short-range missiles. The aim, instead, he said, was to “deter further attacks”.

As a first step, Seoul had referred the matter to the United Nations Security Council. Mr Lee said the aim was to persuade Pyongyang to “admit its wrongdoing and pledge never again to engage in such reprehensible action”.

The problem in confronting North Korea is that its leadership has shown high tolerance for pain – so long as it is inflicted on its people rather than itself. In the mid-1990s, the country went through years of famine without apparent damage to the regime. Under such circumstances, sanctions, unless they are targeted at the leadership itself, have limited impact.

Neither the US nor South Korea appears to have much stomach for pushing North Korea towards the brink, with the danger of a refugee crisis or a military backlash that this could provoke.

Robert Gates, US secretary of defence, also speaking at the Singapore security conference, echoed Mr Lee's sentiment that “inaction would be an abdication of our responsibilities”, adding: “For nothing to happen would be a very bad precedent.”

As well as taking part in joint military exercises with South Korea, Mr Gates said Washington was assessing “additional options to hold North Korea accountable”.

The US is thought to be considering a menu of responses, including beefing up South Korea's anti-submarine and anti-missile capabilities. It could also consider increasing the number of US troops stationed on the peninsula, or stepping up searches of North Korean vessels suspected of smuggling illegal goods.

On the sanctions side, the US could seek a repeat of attempts to cut financial flows, deemed an effective way of targeting the leadership rather than the impoverished North Korean people.

Yet, these options might have a limited effect so long as China continues to support Pyongyang economically. Beijing has refused to accept at face value the findings of an international investigation into the March 26 attack on the Cheonan, which concluded that North Korea had been responsible for torpedoing the vessel.

General Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of staff of the People's Liberation Army, said China remained committed to a nuclear-free Korean peninsula, but gave no indication of what pressure might be brought to bear to achieve that aim. Instead, he appealed to nations concerned to “remain calm and exercise restraint and avoid escalation of tension”.

Mr Lee professed to be satisfied with China's response, but in private must be frustrated at Beijing's apparent willingness to let Pyongyang off the hook.


韩国总统李明博(Lee Myung-Bak)一反以往任由朝鲜挑衅而不予制裁的态度,发表了措辞严厉的声明,称此次平壤方面必须对此负责。

李明博上周末在新加坡召开的第九届亚洲安全峰会(IISS Asia Security Summit)国防部长会议上表示:“如果我们再次容忍朝鲜的公然暴力行为,那么我相信,这不会促进、而是会危及朝鲜半岛的和平与稳定。”这是自韩国就3月26日的天安号事件发表官方调查报告以来,李明博首次在国际会议上发言。

李明博倡导实施“大妥协”(grand bargain),呼吁平壤方面放弃核计划,以换取安全保障和经济援助。






美国国防部长罗伯特?盖茨(Robert Gates)也在新加坡亚洲安全峰会上发了言。他对李明博的观点表示附和,认为“无作为是一种渎职行为”,并补充表示:“不了了之将开启一种非常恶劣的先例。”







