2010-6-4 18:55
When Edward Snyder takes the reins at the Yale University School of Management next year, some say the celebrated business-school dean will be taking on a challenge bigger than any of his past positions.
Mr. Snyder will be tasked with lifting a solid, but lesser-known business school with fewer brand-name faculty that lacks the history and size of many elite programs. He'll face the challenge of attracting higher caliber recruiters to campus and finding donors to fund new projects at the school, without the benefit of many big-name or deep-pocketed alumni. Mr. Snyder entered his previous deanships -- at University of Virginia's Darden School of Business and University of Chicago's Booth School of Business, respectively -- with similar laundry lists and emerged as a turnaround specialist who could woo stakeholders and donors, win the admiration of faculty and energize students and alums. At Virginia, he was credited with boosting diversity in the student body, improving faculty research and landing a $60 million donation from a single donor. At Chicago, Mr. Snyder set out to change the school's staid and contentious culture, improve relations between the business school and the university and capitalize on Chicago's famous economics bent. During his stint, the school landed a $300 million gift from financier David Booth -- the largest donation ever to a business school. In an unusual move, Mr. Snyder won't start at Yale until next July, after a one-year sabbatical, during which he says he will research and write. 'When he asked for the year off, we initially pushed back,' says Yale president Rick Levin. 'We decided he was definitely worth the wait.' The 56-year-old Mr. Snyder had considered returning to the faculty at Chicago after his 10-year limit as dean drew near, but says the challenge of building another business school within a prominent university drew him to Yale. 'I like building; it's the aspiration, but also the competition,' says Mr. Snyder, adding that a deanship at a business school with fewer challenges wouldn't have suited him; there wouldn't have been room to make changes. The M.B.A. program Mr. Snyder inherits at Yale pales in size and scope to many other elite business schools. The school has been around for less than 40 years and has just 6,000 or so living alums; each M.B.A. class has around 200 students. By comparison, Harvard Business School and Columbia Business School have been in operation for almost a century or more, boast tens of thousands of alumni and class size between 600 and 900. Size is a challenge Mr. Snyder says he hasn't figured out how to address. He and university officials say there's a clear trade-off between the benefits of a larger class -- notoriety, better recruiters, ability to add faculty, and more alumni -- and the close-knit community that comes with a small school. 有人说,当斯奈德(Edward Snyder)明年执掌耶鲁大学管理学院(Yale University School of Management)之时,这位知名的商学院院长将面临比其以往任何职位更大的挑战。
Sally Ryan for The Wall Street Journal 商学院改造大师斯奈德斯奈德将担当重任来提升耶鲁商学院的知名度,和许多知名商学院相比,这家商学院虽然有实力,但明星教师较少,历史较短,招生规模也较小。如果没有实力雄厚、大名鼎鼎的众多校友的捐助,在吸引知名公司前来招聘,并寻求捐助者以资助学校新课程方面,学校将面临困难。 斯奈德以往担任弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院(University of Virginia's Darden School of Business)及芝加哥大学布斯商学院(University of Chicago Booth School of Business)的院长时遇到的情况与此相似,但他均表现出改造专家的一面,让学院大变样。他会取得利益相关者及捐助者的支持,赢得教员们的钦佩,激起学生及校友们的活力。 在弗吉尼亚大学商学院时,他以增进学生构成多样化、改善教师们的研究工作及落实了一笔高达6000万美元的捐助而备受赞誉。在芝加哥大学商学院时,他扭转该学院根深蒂固的争论风气,改善商学院与大学间的关系,并利用芝加哥大学有名的经济学领域为学院带来了好处。在其任期内,该学院从知名金融家布斯(David Booth)处得到了高达3亿美元的馈赠,这是迄今各商学院获得的最大一笔捐助。 斯奈德做出了一个不同寻常的决定,他要到明年7月才去耶鲁上任,中间要休息一年用来做研究及写作。耶鲁大学校长莱温(Rick Levin)说,斯奈德开始要求休一年假时,他们起初不同意,但后来认为等这一年时间肯定值得。 现年56岁的斯奈德此前曾考虑在其10年商学院院长任期结束时重回芝加哥大学教书,但他说,在一所顶尖大学内打造一所商学院的挑战使他选择了耶鲁。 斯奈德说,他喜欢创建性工作,这是一种志向,也意味着竞争。他还说,担任一所缺乏挑战的商学院的院长不适合他,因为没有多少余地进行改变。 斯奈德要接管的耶鲁大学的MBA课程项目,无论在规模上还是范围上比许多其它的精英商学院都要逊色。该学院成立不足40年,现健在校友仅有约六千名。每个MBA班有约200名学生。相比之下,哈佛大学商学院(Harvard Business School)及哥伦比亚大学商学院(Columbia Business School)都有100年或以上的历史,校友有数万名,每个班级的人数在600至900人之间。 斯奈德说,学院的规模是个问题,他尚未找到解决的办法。他和大学的高层说,班级规模扩大带来的利益与小规模学院更亲密无间的联系之间显然有个权衡。规模大了名气就大,会吸引更好的公司来招聘,也有能力增加教员,校友也会更多。 |