
双语秀   2016-05-17 03:42   84   0  

2010-6-2 21:34

小艾摘要: At one point in 'Shrek Forever After,' the amiable hero sees his face on a poster nailed to a tree and says, 'Sure is great to be wanted again.' Wanted, yes, but needed? Not on the strength of thi ...
At one point in 'Shrek Forever After,' the amiable hero sees his face on a poster nailed to a tree and says, 'Sure is great to be wanted again.' Wanted, yes, but needed? Not on the strength of this fourth and presumably last installment, which is enhanced, within reason, by 3-D. Having run its course in the third installment, the franchise jogs and lurches but mostly meanders through a story that tests the limits of true love (Shrek's, and ours).

The starting point is domesticity, which isn't sitting well with Shrek at all. He has a loving wife in Fiona, and three cute kidlets (plus, of course, the benefit of Mike Myers's endearing voice), but he's undone by doing diapers and has fallen victim to the kind of toothless fame that overtook Buffalo Bill. To reclaim his inner ogre, Shrek signs a contract with Rumpelstiltskin that makes him an Ogre for a Day. But the contract dramatizes, if nothing else, the importance of reading the fine print. Before you can say 'It's a Wonderful Life,' Shrek is plunged into an alternate universe where he and Fiona have never met, old friends like Eddie Murphy's Donkey and Antonio Banderas's Puss in Boots don't know him and Fiona, voiced appealingly as before by Cameron Diaz, has left her castle to assume command of a guerrilla army that's resisting Rumpelstiltskin's ruthless rule.

The film, which was directed by Mike Mitchell, has its intermittent pleasures: toy-like landscapes rendered in enchanting colors; the mysterious charm of Mr. Banderas's delivery, which gets laughs from every one of his lines; a spell woven by the Pied Piper's flute in a scene reminiscent of the 'Man Piaba' sequence in 'Beetlejuice'; a witches' ball, followed by the witches' vertiginous pursuit of Shrek through the 3-D spaces of a palace. (It's all too easy to take computer animation for granted until a set piece like that one leaves you absolutely dazzled.)

But it's important to read the fine print in screenplays too. This one, by Josh Klausner and Darren Lemke, turns out to be a recycling machine that recalls the high points of previous installments without demonstrating the need for a new one. While there's some suspense in whether Shrek will be able to break Rumpelstilstskin's contract with an out clause that posits the power of a loving kiss, there's also a sense of filmmakers searching for whatever will help fill the running time. Ninety-three minutes isn't a long time, but some of it passes very, very slowly.
Paramount Pictures史莱克一家在《怪物史莱克4》中影片《怪物史莱克4》(Shrek Forever After)中,我们可爱的主人公看到树上钉的布告上有自己的头像,于是就说了一句:“又有人想来逮我了,感觉真棒。”有人想来逮史莱克,这话没错,可是,有人需要他吗?即便有人需要他,想必也不会是因为喜欢眼下的这部片子。这部片子是系列片当中的第四部,多半也是最后一部。片子用上了3D的效果,这也是合乎潮流的情理中事。走完第三部的过场之后,这一部虽然有一些跌宕起伏,总体上却相当拖沓,讲的是一个考验真爱的故事(要承受考验的不光是史莱克,还有我们大家)。

影片一开始,史莱克就有了一个幸福的家庭,可惜的是,这种生活完全不适合史莱克。他有心爱的妻子菲奥娜,有三个可爱的小宝贝(当然,他还拥有麦克•梅尔斯[Mike Myers]那招人喜爱的嗓音),可他实在受不了整天给孩子换尿布,由此便落入了野牛比尔(Buffalo Bill)那种英雄无用武之地的困境。为了重新找回内心深处的那个怪物,史莱克跟侏儒怪签订了一份协议,以便重新当一天的怪物。要说这份协议深刻阐明了什么东西的话,那就是签协议的时候一定要擦亮眼睛,把内容看个仔细。你还没来得及感叹“这样的人生可真是奇妙”,史莱克就已经栽进了一个完全不同的世界,在这个世界里,他和菲奥娜素不相识,那些老朋友,比如艾迪•墨菲(Eddie Murphy)配音的贫嘴驴、安东尼奥•班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)配音的靴子猫,也都不认得他和菲奥娜。菲奥娜还是由卡梅隆•迪亚兹(Cameron Diaz)配音,嗓音跟以前一样甜美动人。这一次,她离开了自己的城堡,开始率领一支游击队去抗击侏儒怪的残暴统治。

这部片子由迈克•米歇尔(Mike Mitchell)导演,其间多少也有一些赏心悦目的片段:玩具王国般的布景,色彩也非常可爱;班德拉斯的配音有着不可思议的魔力,他的每句台词都能招来观众的笑声;魔笛手用长笛下咒时吹的那段曲子令人回想起《阴间大法师》(Beetlejuice)中的插曲“Man Piaba”;除此之外,女巫舞会以及随后女巫们在宫殿中追逐史莱克的场景也非常精彩。(看过这样彻底让人目不暇接的场景,你才会明白,电脑动画还可以有如此这般出人意表的效果。)

不过,选剧本的时候,你同样也应该擦亮眼睛。这一集由乔希•克劳斯纳(Josh Klausner)和达伦•莱姆克(Darren Lemke)担纲编剧,感觉就像一台回收机,把前三集中的亮点都回顾了一遍,但却没有表现出任何创新的意图。这部片子的确有几分悬念:史莱克能否借助一个退出条款摆脱侏儒怪协议的束缚,那个条款规定了真爱之吻具有打破协议的力量。不过,观众还是会有这样一种感觉:影片的制作者不分青红皂白地拼凑了一些内容,就为了把时间给填满。93分钟的时间并不算长,可你还是会觉得,其中的一些片段过得非常、非常缓慢。