2010-5-31 12:34
The single IPO expected to debut in the U.S. this week focuses on renewable energy in China, a combination that might have set hearts racing three years ago.
In the market for initial public offerings of stock, however, new Chinese stocks like Nobao Renewable Energy Holdings Ltd. haven't attracted the uniformly strong investor interest that they once commanded, and green-energy deals have generated mixed results. Against the backdrop of a volatile broader stock market, investors are becoming more risk averse, which doesn't bode well for an emerging industry in an uncertain world economy. 'It doesn't exactly have that sizzle sizzle,' said Sal Morreale, who tracks IPOs for Cantor Fitzgerald. 'No one's talking about it at all.' Nobao Renewable aims to raise as much as $180 million through a listing on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol NRE. Amid a sea of solar-related companies that have hit the U.S. in the past five years, Nobao's niche certainly is new: It builds geothermal-energy systems to heat and cool buildings in China. Geothermal energy relies on the temperature underground, which typically is higher than air temperature in winter and lower than air temperature in the summer. In the winter, warmer heat from underground is transferred into buildings, while in the summer heat from the building is extracted and pumped underground. In a country where energy consumption has skyrocketed, Nobao said its systems typically save 50% to 70% of the energy used by conventional electricity and fuel-based methods. The Shanghai company, which began operating in 2007, has contracts covering a gross floor area of nearly 10.8 million square feet, mostly concentrated in its hometown. Customers make the switch to geothermal primarily by contracting with Nobao to be their energy manager, paying the company a monthly fee that has translated into a fast-expanding revenue stream; revenue quadrupled in 2009 and in the first quarter of 2010, compared with the same periods a year earlier. But that contractual arrangement is a business model that heaps almost all the upfront costs and risks on Nobao. It must finance the equipment, drilling and installation costs of its systems at the outset of each project. The company also is responsible for maintenance costs for each building's system, and shoulders manufacturing costs and other associated expenses. There is a significant delay between when it recognizes revenue and receives cash payments; if a customer defaults, Nobao can't recover its expenses on a project. In 2009 and the first quarter of this year, the company recorded a net loss compared with gains a year earlier due to escalating net-finance costs. The finance expenses in both periods related to fair-value changes in preferred stock, and in the case of 2009, the fair-value changes of a convertible bond. Post-IPO, the company doesn't expect to incur such fair-value finance costs because the bonds were converted into preferred shares, and the preferred shares will convert into ordinary shares. 拟于本周在美国进行的唯一一桩首次公开募股(IPO)关注的重点是中国的可再生能源。假如是在三年前,“中国”加“可再生能源”的组合可能会让投资者激动不已。
不过,在IPO市场上,像挪宝新能源集团(Nobao Renewable Energy Holdings Ltd.)这样的新上市中国股并未像以前一样吸引到投资者一致的强烈兴趣,绿色能源并购交易的结果也是有好有坏。在大盘波动的背景下,投资者的避险情绪开始上升,在世界经济形势不确定的情况下,这对绿色能源这一新兴产业来说可不是个好兆头。 金融服务公司Cantor Fitzgerald跟踪IPO的莫利勒(Sal Morreale)说,这次的IPO没那么火爆,根本没有人在谈论它。 挪宝计划通过在纽约证券交易所上市最高筹集1.80亿美元,股票代码为NRE。过去五年中大量的太阳能相关企业在美国上市,相比之下,挪宝的业务当然是创新性的:该公司生产地热能源系统供中国的建筑物取暖和降温。地热能源依靠地下的温度,而这个温度在冬季通常比大气温度高,在夏季比大气温度低。在冬季,地下的热能被传送到建筑物内,而在夏季,建筑物中的热量则被提取出来并传到地下。 挪宝说,在能源消耗激增的中国,该公司的系统通常可以比传统电力和基于燃料的取暖方法节能50%到70%。 这家位于上海的企业2007年开始运营,拥有为总建筑面积近1,080万平方英尺的建筑物提供服务的合同,其中大部分集中在上海地区。客户改用地热主要是通过与挪宝签订合同,由挪宝作为其能源管理公司,客户相应地缴纳月使用费。客户缴纳的费用变成了公司快速扩大的收入流。2009年和2010年一季度,该公司收入均同比增长三倍。 不过,这种签约的业务模式使几乎所有的前期成本和风险都落到了挪宝身上。该公司必须在每个项目一开始为系统的设备、钻孔和安装成本埋单,它还要承担每个建筑物系统的维护费用,以及制造成本和其他相关费用。实现收入和收到现金付款之间有着相当长的延迟。如果客户违约,挪宝无法追回在项目上的花费。 由于净融资成本的上升,2009年和2010年一季度,该公司均为净亏损,而上年同期均为盈利。这两个时期的融资成本都与优先股的合理价值发生变化有关,在2009年,还与一只可转换债券的合理价值变化有关。IPO之后,该公司预计不会发生合理价值变化带来的这类融资成本,因为可转换债券此前已经被转换成了优先股,而优先股将转换成普通股。 |