2010-5-31 06:12
The father of Slumdog Millionaire child actress Rubina Ali tried to sell his nine-year-old daughter for adoption in a bid to escape the Mumbai slums, a British newspaper said on Sunday.
News of the World alleged that Rafiq Qureshi wanted Rs 20 million ($400,000) for the girl, who played the young Latika in the British hit film set in India. Slumdog Millionaire, a rags-to-riches tale of children from the slums of Mumbai, won eight Oscars in February, including the best picture Academy Award. News of the World said its reporters posed as a wealthy family from Dubai, employing its regular "fake sheikh" sting tactic. The weekly tabloid said a Mumbai informant told them that Qureshi was touting for the highest offer, having already been approached by a Middle Eastern family. The newspaper published pictures of the actress, her father and uncle posing with their undercover reporter, plus video clips of Qureshi and his brother-in-law during their meeting last week. "Yes, we are considering Rubina's future," Qureshi was quoted as saying. He put the reporter in touch with his brother-in-law Rajan More. "We are interested in securing our girl's future," the star's uncle was quoted as saying. "If you wanted to adopt we could discuss this, but her parents would also expect some proper compensation in return. Qureshi, Ali, More and some other relatives met the British reporters in a Mumbai hotel, the newspaper said. "We need two or three months," Qureshi allegedly said. More added: "Until then we can negotiate the amount. We'll come to Dubai, the girl will come and go." "It's 20 million rupees," the uncle was quoted as saying. This discussion will not go beyond the three of us." Qureshi proudly carried Ali through the Mumbai slums in February after she returned from the Oscar glory of Hollywood. (Agencies) 据英国一家报纸上周日报道,电影《贫民窟的百万富翁》中的女童星鲁比娜?阿里的父亲试图出卖他年仅九岁女儿的领养权,以摆脱孟买贫民窟。
据《世界新闻报》报道称,鲁比娜的父亲拉菲?库雷希开价两千万卢比(合40万美元)卖女。鲁比娜在取材于印度的英国影片《贫民窟的百万富翁》中饰演幼年时期的(女主角)拉提卡。 《贫民窟的百万富翁》讲述了孟买贫民窟的孩子从赤贫到暴富的故事,该片于今年二月包揽八项奥斯卡大奖,其中包括最佳影片奖。 《世界新闻报》称,该报两名记者采取惯用的策略,装扮成“假酋长”,自称来自迪拜的一个富裕家庭。 这份每周出版的小报称,孟买的一位消息人士告诉他们,库雷希要将女儿卖给出价最高的人,据悉此前已有一个中东富裕家庭与他接触。 该报刊登了女童星鲁比娜及其父亲、姨父以及乔装打扮的记者的合影,另外还有库雷希与他的妹夫上周会面的视频剪影。 该报援引库雷希的话说:“是的,我们正考虑鲁比娜的未来。”他让记者与其妹夫拉詹?摩尔联系。 报纸援引鲁比娜姨父的话说:“我们非常希望为鲁比娜创造美好的未来,如果你想收养,我们可以谈,但她的父母也希望获得适当的补偿。” 该报称,库雷希、摩尔带着鲁比娜以及其他一些亲戚在孟买一家酒店与英国记者会面。 库雷希声称:“我们需要两三个月的时间。”摩尔补充道:“到时我们可以商量价钱。我们要去迪拜看看,鲁比娜也会去。” 报道援引鲁比娜叔叔的话说:“开价是两千万卢比。除了我们三人外,不能让其他人知道。” 今年二月,鲁比娜从好莱坞参加奥斯卡颁奖典礼荣归故里后,库雷希曾自豪地带着她穿行于孟买各个贫民窟。 相关阅读 Slumdog Millionaire 《贫民窟百万富翁》精讲之三 Slumdog Millionaire 《贫民窟百万富翁》精讲之二 Slumdog Millionaire 《贫民窟百万富翁》精讲之一 (实习生许雅宁 英语点津姗姗编辑) |