2010-5-31 04:03
Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is facing embarrassment over an internet film featuring explicit comments she made about sex and love as a young model.
The 27-minute film, which has been posted on the video-sharing website YouTube, contains excerpts from interviews of the young Miss Bruni that juxtapose her risqué past with her demure present as the wife of the French president. In one section, the Italian-born Miss Bruni produces from her handbag a book called Hot International Love and Sex Guides, which translates key phrases on all things erotic into seven languages. “We need these kinds of books because we’re travelling all around the world, we’re meeting new people and we want to know what to tell them in case we get into bed with them,” she tells interviewers on the Channel 4 show Eurotrash. The then Miss Bruni, who was 28 when the show was broadcast in 1996, proceeds to offer four translations of “You get me very hot”, ending in the Italian “Mi eccite tanto”. She then moves on to more explicit phrases sparking an “oh no!” from one of the interviewers. Thomas Cazals, the producer who compiled the portrait called In the Tube with Carla Bruni, said he did it “starting with the naive idea of better getting to know this character”. The Elysée apparently took swift action against the film as by Sunday evening it had been removed from Mr Cazals’ blog. Although the film also carries tributes from couturiers who admire Mrs Bruni-Sarkozy’s intelligence, beauty and wit, it will be unwelcome. She has been trying to play down her colorful past since marrying Nicolas Sarkozy two years ago. While continuing her singing career, she has been forging an image as a first lady dedicated to her husband and charity. (Read by Lee Hannon. Lee Hannon is a journalist at the China Daily Web site.) 点击查看更多双语新闻 (Agencies) 法国第一夫人卡拉·布吕尼-萨科奇早年当模特时的一段大胆谈性和爱情的露骨视频日前惊现网络,令其身陷尴尬。
这段被传至YouTube视频分享网站的视频时长27分钟,主要内容是布吕尼早年接受采访的片断,当年的布吕尼轻佻放荡,与如今身为第一夫人端庄贤淑的风格有着天壤之别。 在其中一个部分,出生于意大利的布吕尼从手提包里掏出一本名为《国际热辣性爱指南》的小册子,这本书将所有常用的性爱用语翻译成了七种语言。 布吕尼在接受英国第四频道《欧洲杂谈》节目采访时说:“我们需要这类的书,因为我们到世界各地旅游,会结识新的朋友,万一要和他们上床,我们得知道应该和他们说些什么。” 随后,布吕尼用四种语言说了“你让我欲火焚身”这句话,最后一句是用意大利语说的。这一电视访谈节目录制于1996年,当时布吕尼年仅28岁。 接着布吕尼又说了些更为露骨的用语,连其中的一位主持人都惊呼“天啊,不要!”。 这段名为《相约卡拉·布吕尼》的人物访谈节目的制作人托马斯?卡扎尔斯表示,他做这个访谈的初衷很简单,“只是想更好地去了解这个人。”这段视频曝光后,爱丽舍宫立即采取了行动,因为上周日晚间,这段视频已从卡扎尔斯的博客中删除。 尽管这段视频可能会受到仰慕布吕尼智慧、美貌和灵气的时装设计师们的追捧,但仍是不受欢迎的。在嫁给法国总统尼古拉?萨科奇两年来,布吕尼一直努力和她“丰富多彩”的过去说再见。 尽管她仍在继续自己的歌手梦想,但一直在努力塑造一个忠诚于丈夫、热衷于慈善事业的第一夫人形象。 相关阅读 布吕尼赴国宴穿紧身裙 性感倾倒众人 裸照现身购物袋 法第一夫人状告商家 布吕尼裸照9万美元拍出 买家为中国人 法第一夫人网站登名人画像遭热议 法第一夫人献声曼德拉生日音乐会 萨科奇寻求连任 欲打怀孕牌 法第一夫人不鼓励萨科奇连任 布吕尼讲述甜蜜爱情 赞萨科齐智慧非凡 (小艾网英语点津 Julie 编辑蔡姗姗) |