2010-5-31 05:04
Over 5,000 naked people braved a chilly morning to join a mass photo shoot at Sydney's Opera House on Monday, putting a nude twist on the Australian landmark.
People of all ages, shapes and sizes assembled on the shell-shaped building's steps before dawn for renowned American artist Spencer Tunick, who photographed them with hands raised, lying down and embracing. The event, titled "The Base", drew double the expected turnout and was timed to coincide with Sydney's annual Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade on Saturday. "Gay men and women lay naked next to their straight neighbours and this delivered a very strong message to the world that Australians embrace a free and equal society," Tunick said. About half of the 5,200 models were also photographed inside the concert hall. The artist is well known for his mass-nude art installations, drawing thousands of people to dozens of events all over the world. "I thought it would be all old people and nudists, but everyone's here. It's great," student Art Rush, 19, told national news agency AAP. "I'll never get a chance to do this again, it's not worth being inhibited. It doesn't feel sexual, it just feels tribal, a gathering of humanity." Anna Bruce, 28, said shedding her clothes seemed "really normal". "It was easier than I expected, it was really normal, there was no problem with getting our kit off," she said. Scott Faulder, 19, said the installation was "just another excuse to get naked". (Read by Renee Haines. Renee Haines is a multimedia journalist at the China Daily Web site.) 点击查看更多双语新闻 (Agencies) 本周一清晨,五千多名赤身裸体的男女冒着严寒聚集在悉尼歌剧院门前拍摄集体裸照,给澳大利亚的这一地标性建筑增添了几分“裸”意。
这一拍摄活动由美国著名艺术家斯宾塞?图尼克组织发起。当天黎明之前,不同年龄、身材和体型的人们聚集在这座贝壳形建筑的台阶上,摆出双臂高举、仰卧在地和互相拥抱等各种姿势。 前来参与这次名为“根本”的拍摄活动的志愿者人数是预期的两倍,安排的时间刚好与上周六举行的一年一度的悉尼同性恋大游行凑到一起。 图尼克说:“同性恋和异性恋赤身裸体地躺在一起,向世界传达了一个重要信息,那就是澳大利亚是一个热爱自由和平等的社会。” 当天共有5200名志愿者参与了拍摄,其中约半数还参加了歌剧院内的拍摄。 图尼克以拍摄大型裸体艺术照而著称,他曾在世界各地举办过多次裸体拍摄活动,吸引了成千上万人参加。 19岁的学生阿特?拉什告诉澳大利亚联合新闻社的记者说:“我原以为只有老年人和裸体主义者会来,没想到什么人都有,太棒了。” “我再也不会有这样的机会了,这种活动不应该禁止。你不会觉得色情,而是一种回归到部落的感觉,这是一次人性的聚集。” 28岁的安娜?布鲁斯称,脱掉衣服“真的没什么”。 她说:“这比我想象得容易,真的没什么,卸下穿在外面的衣服其实一点儿也不难。” 但19岁的斯科特?福尔德则认为这一拍摄活动“不过是裸体的又一个借口”。 相关阅读 维也纳:千人集体拍裸照迎接“欧洲杯” 日本孕妇兴拍“大肚”裸照 布吕尼裸照9万美元拍出 买家为中国人 裸照现身购物袋 法第一夫人状告商家 擅自刊登半裸照 皮特发言人猛抨《名利场》 《花花公子》拍摄“假希尔顿”裸照 小甜甜布兰妮身怀六甲拍大肚裸照 卡梅隆·迪亚兹裸照案胜诉 (小艾网英语点津 Julie 编辑蔡姗姗) |