2010-5-31 04:06
Playboy readers are going to need glasses for a close look at the upcoming issue of the magazine -- 3-D glasses.
The centerfold picture in the June edition of Playboy will be in 3-D, Playboy spokeswoman Theresa Hennessey said Tuesday. "It's definitely eye-popping," Hennessey said of the 3-D centerfold featuring 2010 Playmate of the Year Hope Dworacyzk. "There's a wine glass that she's holding and when you stand back with the glasses on that comes right out at you," the spokeswoman said. "You really feel like you're, so to speak, in the pictorial with her." A pair of 3-D glasses like those that helped the film "Avatar" shatter box office records will be included with the issue of the magazine which hits US newsstands on Friday. Playboy's first 3-D centerfold comes about six months after the magazine ran a photo spread featuring a cartoon character -- a scantily clad Marge Simpson from the hit television show "The Simpsons." "We're constantly trying to do new creative, innovative things to engage our readers," Hennessey said. "But I don't think we'll be having 3-D centerfolds in every issue." Playboy founder Hugh Hefner said he "wanted to create a 3-D pictorial for the very first issue of Playboy, but didn't have enough money to include the 3-D glasses. "I think Playboy fans will enjoy seeing our Playmate of the Year's true form," Hefner added in a statement. (Read by Lee Hannon. Lee Hannon is a journalist at the China Daily Web site.) 点击查看更多双语新闻 (Agencies) 看最新一期《花花公子》杂志的人需要一副3D眼镜。
《花花公子》杂志女发言人特蕾莎?亨尼斯于本周二称,该杂志6月号的插页照片将以3D形式呈现。 这一3D插页照片上的人物为“年度玩伴女郎”霍普?多拉齐克,亨尼斯评价说:“这张3D照片绝对让人开眼。” 这位女发言人说:“照片上的霍普举着一个酒杯,当你戴着3D眼镜退后观看时,感觉它就像在你面前一样。可以说,你真的有种和她一同站在画面中的感觉。” 《花花公子》6月号将于本周五在美国上架,并将随刊附赠一副3D眼镜。不久前,使用了3D技术的影片《阿凡达》曾大破票房纪录。 大约半年前,该杂志选用热映系列动画片《辛普森一家》中的卡通人物、穿着暴露的玛吉?辛普森为其封面人物。 亨尼斯说:“我们不断尝试新的、有创意的东西来吸引读者。但今后我们不会在每期杂志中都提供3D插页。” 《花花公子》创始人休?赫夫纳表示,他“曾想在杂志创刊号中插入3D画页,但由于资金不够,无法附赠3D眼镜”。 他在一份声明中称:“《花花公子》的粉丝们一定会非常享用年度玩伴的热辣身材。” 相关阅读 辛普森太太登上《花花公子》封面 《花花公子》十大派对大学出炉 美警方查《花花公子》封面女郎死因 “花花公子”如何译? 为谋生"宽衣解带",安然女雇员"跳槽"《花花公子》 《花花公子》登山寨版希尔顿脱衣照 什么是IMAX 3D电影 Avatar 《阿凡达》精讲之一 (小艾网英语点津 Julie 编辑蔡姗姗) |