
双语秀   2016-05-16 21:46   85   0  

2010-5-30 03:26

小艾摘要: The ProblemI'm a director of an industrial equipment distributor and, as our business is facing a downturn, it seems a good time to invest in my education and apply for a two-month programme at Harva ...
The Problem

I'm a director of an industrial equipment distributor and, as our business is facing a downturn, it seems a good time to invest in my education and apply for a two-month programme at Harvard Business School. But my chairman is refusing to pay for the course and has made clear he does not think it is a good use of my time. I really want to do this and can afford to pay for it, but I wonder if it is mad to invest in myself when it may alienate my current employer?

Director, male, 42


Yes, you are mad. I've just checked the Harvard website and see you are proposing to spend $60,000 on something that promises flatulantly to turn “senior executives into indispensable leaders”. I have hardly ever come across people who were indispensable leaders and the idea that anyone could become one by dint of an eight-week course is fantasy. The website goes on to promise that “participants [will] leave equipped to make the tough decisions required to manage through the downturn”.

The first tough decision on how to manage in a downturn has already been made by your boss: ban all management training courses that serve to make employees more attractive to rival employers.

You say you see this course as an investment in yourself. In that case, you need to think of the likely returns. If you intend to stay with your present employer, these returns will be negative. You will irritate your chairman by going away and irritate him even more when you come back spouting the stuff that you have picked up in your short time there.

If, however, you see this course as a way out, there might be some point to it. Harvard is a badge, and some employers are still impressed by it. You might make contacts that could be worth something, too.

If this is what you have in mind, then I'd put it on hold. You claim that this is a good time for such an investment as business is slow; I think it's a rotten time as no one is hiring. I suggest you try to forget about it for a year. If you are then still wedded to the idea and if the economy is picking up a bit, perhaps you should think again.

But I can think of other things I'd rather do with $60,000.


Invest in skills

Investing in one's skills is always a good idea. Knowledge is power. Sharpening one's management and analytical skills by following the advanced management programme at an excellent business school will increase your chances of staying at the top management level in spite of the economic downturn. So go for it and you will not regret it.

Anon, male

Don't be vain

Don't be an idiot. What you're learning on the job during tough times is 10 times more valuable in the real world than a programme. Check your vanity at the door and get to work.

Executive, male, 50

Hold fast

I wouldn't step out for two months while your company is in trouble – you might come back to find the company sunk, and you with it. Mind you, if your job goes, you should have plenty of time to go and further your studies. Except that studying will be the last thing on your mind, as getting a new job will become your sole focus. Believe me, I know!
Unemployed banker, male

Be original

Do something that makes you stand out from the crowd – take a narrowboat from Scotland to Bristol, work in a soup kitchen, take your kids to India for a month to teach them some humility . . .

Do something that makes you more interesting to potential employers and differentiates you from the corporate robots that you are benchmarking against.

Female, anon


A Harvard degree is glamorous but who wants glamour in an industrial equipment distributor?


Next Problem

My wife is expecting our first child. Ten days before the expected delivery date, I am due to go on a business trip to Los Angeles with my boss. The trip is important to the company and it is an honour that I have been picked.If I say I can't go, I expect my boss will be nice about it, but I fear it will mark my card as someone not serious about work and will also mean that a sly colleague (who is always trying to get one over on me) will go instead. I've no reason to think the baby will come early but, if it does, LA is an eight-hour flight away and if I miss the birth, my wife will never forgive me.
Manager, male, 29


我是一家工业器材经销公司的董事,由于我们这行正处于低迷时期,现在似乎是我投资自身教育的大好时机,我打算报名参加哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)一个为期两个月的课程。但我们公司的董事长拒绝支付课程费用,并明确告诉我,他认为这不是利用时间的好办法。我真的很想参加这一课程,也掏得起学费,但我不知道,这种到头来可能破坏我在当前公司前途的自我投资,是不是一种疯狂之举。





























