【英语中国】5月中国CPI突破3% 分析师解读不一

双语秀   2016-05-15 00:38   96   0  

2010-6-13 02:18

小艾摘要: Analysts react to China's major economic indicators for May, which showed consumer-price inflation breaching the 3% level for the first time in more than a year and a half.Slowing growth and rising i ...
Analysts react to China's major economic indicators for May, which showed consumer-price inflation breaching the 3% level for the first time in more than a year and a half.

Slowing growth and rising inflation--which is what the May data shows--is a policy puzzle for the government. Falling growth argues for policy continuity. Rising inflation suggests accelerating the tightening schedule. We think the government will be more focused on risks to the growth outlook than the current, rather mild, inflationary pressures. The extent of the impact of the current sovereign debt crisis in Europe, and the policy controls on the domestic real estate sector, are not yet known. The government will want to see whether the Chinese economy slips up on either of these banana skins, before accelerating the tightening schedule. - Tom Orlik, Stone & McCarthy Research Associates

Inflation remains a risk due to the underlying strong demand. Recent industrial strikes suggest wage hikes will spread across industrial sectors, placing pressures on firms to raise prices on their final products. Therefore, CPI inflation is far from its peak as inflationary pressures continue to mount. We believe that as China is experiencing strong demand pressures, (and) it is time for the People's Bank of China to switch its policy priority from controlling credit to raising interest rates in order to counter the risk of runaway inflation. - Li-Gang Liu, Australia & New Zealand Banking Group

We're actually close to the peak in year-on-year consumer price inflation--it could move a little higher, but not much. CPI is expected to peak in July, but food and fuel prices should start falling in the third quarter so I don't think inflation will be a huge policy problem. This set of data will reinforce the authorities' views that the existing policies are working and that there is no need to take any emergency tightening measures. - Tim Condon, ING

Officials seem confident that price pressures will ease later this year, attributing much of the recent positive trend to base effects, but there are plenty of reasons to think that inflation can keep moving higher--policy is still accommodative, money supply growth has been very strong, real deposit rates are negative, the PBOC's measure of the output gap is at multi-year highs, and wages are increasing sharply in parts of the economy, with inflationary expectations also likely to be building. Beijing would like to delay tightening policy further until it gets a clearer read of the property market and the fallout from euro-area weakness, but this strategy is risky given the potential for further gains in inflation in the near-term. - Brian Jackson, Royal Bank of Canada

May data releases suggest quantitative tightening is starting to take effect, but inflation is still rising. So we expect the quantitative tightening in the forms of reserve ratio hikes and lending curbs to continue till the overheated growth cools down to a normal rate. Despite the uncertainties on exports and a property market correction, there is no need to worry about a double dip because China can rely on continued investment into existing infrastructure projects and resilient consumption to grow about 9% in 2H10 and 2011. - Qu Hongbin, HSBC

The odds of a rate hike remain finally balanced with CPI nearing the 4% rate. But I am still expecting no change in policy owing to the Europe crisis and property measures. The PBOC recognizes that the underlying CPI trend is relatively steady. The National Bureau of Statistics also referred to the importance of base effects for today's result. Local economists are more divided about the outlook and there is talk about 'stagflation'...The right sort of inflation is helpful, if it supports purchasing power or works off bad debt, but the authorities will have to manage expectations carefully, and stable food prices are key to their success. - Ben Simpfendorfer, Royal Bank of Scotland

5月份数据显示增长放缓而通胀上行,这是政府的一个政策难题。增长下滑要求政策的连续性。通胀上行暗示紧缩措施将加快。我们认为政府将更关注增长前景面临的风险,而非目前较为温和的通胀压力。欧洲当前主权债危机以及国内房地产业控制政策的影响能有多大尚未可知。在加速紧缩之前,政府会观察这两者是否会给中国经济带来严重影响。──Stone & McCarthy Research Associates分析师奥尔利克(Tom Orlik)

由于目前需求强劲,通胀仍是个风险。近期工厂罢工事件表明,工资上调将是行业性的普遍行为,这给工厂上调最终产品的价格带来压力。因而,通胀压力将继续上行,CPI通胀远未触顶。我们认为,中国正经历着需求强劲的压力,现在是中国央行改变政策优先考虑重点之时了,央行应从控制信贷向加息转变以对抗恶性通胀风险。──澳新银行(Australia & New Zealand Banking Group)分析师刘利刚(Li-Gang Liu )

CPI年比通胀实际已接近峰值,再度上行是可能的,但幅度不会太大。CPI预计将于7月触顶,但食品及燃油价格应在第三季度开始下滑,因此,我认为,对政策而言,通胀不会成为很大的问题。这一系列数据应会强化当局的观点,也就是现行政策在发挥效力,无需采取紧急紧缩措施。──荷兰国际集团(ING )分析师康顿(Tim Condon)

官员们看起来对今年晚些时候通胀压力将减小充满信心,将最近的CPI上升走势主要归因于基数效应,不过有很多理由认为通货膨胀可能会继续上升──政策仍是较宽松的,货币供应增长非常强劲,实际存款利率为负,中国央行衡量产出缺口的指标处于多年高点,部分经济领域工资增长迅猛,通货膨胀预期也很可能在酝酿之中。北京方面愿意进一步推迟收紧政策,直到它对房地产市场和欧元区困境带来的影响有了更清晰的了解,不过鉴于短期通货膨胀预期,这种战略是有风险的。──加拿大皇家银行(Royal Bank of Canada),杰克逊(Brian Jackson)


在CPI接近4%的情况下,加息与否的可能性最终仍是平衡的。不过,由于欧洲的危机和房地产调控措施,我仍预计政策不会出现变化。中国央行承认CPI走势是相对稳定的。国家统计局也提到了基数效应对5月份数据的重要性。本地经济学家对前景的看法存在更大的分歧,出现了“滞胀”的讨论。适当的通货膨胀是有益的,如果它可以支撑购买力或消除坏帐,不过有关部门将不得不谨慎控制预期,稳定的食品价格是其成功的关键。──苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland),贝哲民(Ben Simpfendorfer)


关键词:经济数据  经济学家  通胀  