【英语中国】美参议院出新政 担心中国最大债权国地位

双语秀   2016-05-15 00:37   88   0  

2010-6-10 17:27

小艾摘要: The U.S. Senate voted Wednesday to require the Obama administration to examine the risks associated with foreign holdings of U.S. debt, a new sign of political concern about the nation's fiscal state ...
The U.S. Senate voted Wednesday to require the Obama administration to examine the risks associated with foreign holdings of U.S. debt, a new sign of political concern about the nation's fiscal state and China's economic influence.

The Senate approved an amendment to a broader economic-recovery bill that would mandate the administration produce quarterly reports to Congress about the associated economic and national-security dangers.

The amendment would require reports on all foreign holdings of U.S. debt, both government and private, but it was targeted largely at China. The amendment warned the country's sizable holdings of U.S. debt 'could give China a tool with which China can try to manipulate domestic and foreign policymaking of the United States, including the United States relationship with Taiwan.'

China is currently the U.S.'s largest creditor, holding 10% of the $8.577 trillion in publicly held debt, according to the Treasury Department.

'It's the worst kept secret in the world that our deficit spending is being financed by foreign investors who may not always have our nation's best interests at heart,' said Sen. John Cornyn, the Texas Republican who sponsored the amendment.

The amendment was approved by voice vote.

Republicans and a growing number of Democrats in Congress have been raising alarms about the nation's spending binge. Just last month, several fiscally conservative Democrats in the House forced party leaders to pare back a major economic bill, amid concern about the impact of the legislation on the budget deficit.

The national debt passed $13 trillion last week, while the deficit for the current fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30, is on track to reach $1.5 trillion.

Among other things, the amendment would require the administration report quarterly to Congress on foreign holdings of U.S. debt, and to make assessments of the risks posed by those holdings. The Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, would also be directed to report annually on those risks.

If the administration deemed the economic risks had reached an 'unacceptable level,' the president would be required to lay out for Congress a plan to bring the debt under control, including a timetable.

After China, Japan is the next biggest U.S. creditor.
美国参议院(U.S. Senate)周三举行投票,要求奥巴马政府调查与外国持有美国国债相关的风险问题,这是对美国财政状况和中国经济影响力产生政治担忧的新迹象。




支持上述修正案的得克萨斯州共和党人、参议员克林(John Cornyn)说,我们的赤字支出正由一些或许不总是关心美国核心利益的外国投资者来提供财政支持,这是世界上最心照不宣的秘密。




此外,修正案还要求政府就外国持有美国国债的情况向国会递交季度性报告,以及对这些持债情况所产生的风险进行评估。国会调查机构美国政府问责局(Government Accountability Office)也被要求就上述风险提交年度报告。

