
双语秀   2016-05-15 00:37   92   0  

2010-6-11 20:49

小艾摘要: Employers used to dictating terms to their Chinese workforce are learning to beg, plead and cajole. But a softer tone is just the start of the learning curve, as company bosses also adjust time-honour ...
Employers used to dictating terms to their Chinese workforce are learning to beg, plead and cajole. But a softer tone is just the start of the learning curve, as company bosses also adjust time-honoured practices to accommodate the new power dynamic emerging on their factory floors.

At a strike-affected Honda plant in southern Guangdong province yesterday, management posted a note assuring workers that their contracts would be renewed and no one would be fired for participating in an industrial action that began on June 7.

“Regarding the demand for a wage increase, the company promises to reply in 10 days,” concluded the notice at Foshan Fengfu Autoparts, which makes exhaust components for the Japanese carmaker's China assembly plants. Behind Foshan Fengfu's gates, workers loitered in their company uniforms. They are not working,” said one businesswoman who does outsourcing work for the Honda subsidiary. “They are just hanging out in the factory.”

As a result, Honda said, its automotive assembly plants in nearby Guangzhou, the provincial capital, would remain closed today. It is the second time in as many weeks – following similar industrial action at a nearby transmission factory – that the Japanese carmaker's China operations have been held hostage by worker unrest.

Honda's labour dilemma is fairly straightforward in the context of south China's manufacturing industries. Workers, who live off-site and commute to their plants for shift work, have simply been lobbying for more pay. Employees at Honda Automotive Components Manufacturing, the transmission plant, secured an increase of 24-33 per cent late last week.

Matters are much more complicated lower down the value chain, where electronics assemblers operate self-contained “factory towns” that are home to tens if not hundreds of thousands of workers. Constant overtime, repetitive assembly line tasks and debilitating overnight shifts can breed a sense of isolation.

In a tragic expression of the lengths to which workers can be driven, 10 employees at Foxconn, the Taiwanese contract electronics assembler, have taken their lives this year at a facility employing 300,000 people in Shenzhen, another south China manufacturing hub. The most recent suicides prompted the company, headed by Terry Gou, to promise it would more than double monthly wages to Rmb2,000 ($290,


“至于加薪要求,公司承诺在10天后答复,”佛山市丰富汽配有限公司(Foshan Fengfu Autoparts)在通知的最后写道。丰富为本田在中国的整车装配厂生产排气零部件。在工厂的大门后面,工人们穿着公司制服四处闲逛。“他们不是在工作,只是在厂里晃荡,”一名为这家本田附属企业做外包业务的女商人说道。




在台湾电子代工装配商富士康(Foxconn)雇有30万人的一家深圳工厂里,今年有10名工人结束了自己的生命,以人生悲剧表达了工人们能够忍受的极限。最近的自杀事件迫使郭台铭(Terry Guo)领导的富士康承诺,将把工人的月薪提高1倍多,至2000元人民币(合290美元)。







在中国东部省份江苏设有一家工厂的台湾电信设备制造商明泰科技(Alpha Networks)表示:“我们仍然在观望政府和其它公司会怎么做。工资仅占我们成本的1%到3%,因此如果我们确实不得不提薪的话,我们会尝试把它转嫁给客户。”




英国《金融时报》汤姆?米切尔(Tom Mitchell)香港、刘励和(Justine Lau)佛山、邝彦晖(Robin Kwong)台北报道

